chapter 6

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I quickly got up to snoop around shuichi's room, I picked the sketch book up to see what drawings he had in there, all of the drawings were danganronpa based, most of them were kyoko kirigiri but something caught my eye, he had made an 'au' of everyone in our class if we were in danganronpa, I thought it was cheesy but I still looked at the drawings and the planned out deaths.

I saw that my friend rantaro would die first which I instantly knew why, it was because shuichi hates rantaro, I saw shuichi's design and him being 'the ultimate detective' which I also knew why, it's because his favourite character, kyoko, was the ultimate detective in danganronpa, I cringed at his 'au' that he made but then I saw my design, which I was most interested in.

I was in a white outfit with a checkered scarf/bandana (or whatever it is) and some goofy looking shoes. I read what my personality was like and it was nothing like me, my ultimate was not related to me at all, I had barely any friends except shuichi and apparently shuichi was my love interest.

Oh god. I was cringing really hard and then it hit me, does shuichi have some weird crush on me? Whatever that doesn't matter, this was the weirdest shit I've ever seen. I closed the sketch book and sat back down when I heard shuichi's footsteps, he passed me some snacks and sat down next to me, he pressed play on the laptop and we watched danganronpa together, I was bored so I decided to test the theory of shuichi having a crush on me.

I rested my head on shuichi's shoulder, and caressed his chest, yawning softly, acting like I wasn't doing it purposely, he was blushing intensely, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I saw some of the fanfictions he made before and noticed they put on cringy baby voices like most cringy couples so I knew that was something shuichi was into, I also saw in the sketch book there was a nickname shuichi gave himself for me to call him, it was 'shumai'.

I was cringing about what I was about to do right now. "Shumai...I'm sleepy..." I said in a cringy baby voice and gave him puppy dog eyes. Shuichi's face lit up by the nickname and he had a wide grin on his face. "We could cuddle..?" I nodded and immediately regretted my actions, but I was already kinda tired so I just shrugged it off, it's not like something bad would happen.

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