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Jimin POV

It has been 2 weeks and I am still at the hospital . jin hyung didn't leave my side even for a second but still I only utter one or two words to him . the others always come to visit me but I didn't talk with them everytime they tried to come close to me I fake that I am tired and want to sleep . I know it's not their fault but ... *sigh*

but they let him do that to me . I shout out for help but they didn't come to me . I was scared , cold and lonely in there . there was blood on the floor and rats everywhere and I am really scared of it . I called them alot b-but they didn't come ...

About him he didn't come to visit me even they didn't call his name in front of me and thats good . I hate the idea of him ...

I only wished that he would love me . I did everything he told me to but still it was not enough for him . he only sees my body like I am just a machine to give birth to his children and after that he will throw me like I am some rubbish ...

I miss my old yoon a lot .I don't know why he can't remember me ?! Why he is so mad at me ?! Did I do something bad to him without realizing it  ?!  ... It doesn't matter anymore .I will show him that I am not the innocent Jimin who he can just play with . I am not weak . wait and see min yoongi !

Now is the time that I will go back home . here is jin hyung and mom waiting for me to finish putting on  my clothes. Jin hyung insists to help me but I refused as I won't let them touch me till I make sure that they really loves me .

Jin : minnie, Are you ready ?!

Jimin : hmm

Mom : OK let's go then .

Jimin *nervously* : m-mom can I stay with you for some d-days ?!

Jin *shocked* : w-what?! Of course n-no ... Minnie who will help you there a-and we didn't ask the permission from y-yoon__

Jimin *tiredly* : m-mom , can I ?!

Mom *softly rab his cheek* :  of course baby .you don't have to ask it's your home and about the permission thing ...*coldly* jin , he doesn't have to ask anyone's permission when I am here .

Jin *sadly* : b-but c-can I come too ?!

Mom *softly*:  of course .let's go .

With that jin tried to help me in entering the car but ...

Jimin : mom , can you just h-help me,please ?!

Mom : oh oh my baby come. 

I can feel that jin looked at me sadly but I ignored him and entered the car with mom at the back seat and about him he just  sat at the passenger one and called someone on his phone. 

Jin *on the phone * : hello .... Yes, he is fine don't worry .... No w-we are not coming home ..... J-imin wanted to stay with mom and I won't leave him alone ..... NO , I mean don't come I think he is not comfortable to .... Okie okie I will call you tonight .... Hmm love you too bye.

He  hang the call and turn around to us and said ...

Jin : Minnie, kook said that to take care of yourself and that he loves you alot.

Jimin *😑* : hmm

After 15 minutes we arrived at mom's house . mom helped me to come out of the car and I quickly went inside to my room and locked it so that I can be alone for some time. 

( he has a room because he lived with her before getting married .)

At the mins .

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