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Before starting ... I wanna inform you that The upcoming chapters will be going back and forth from Thailand to South Korea till Tae and the others come back so don't be confused na

_Malak 💜


3rd person POV

With KaiMin  ...

Kai was sitting on the bed while staring at Taemin who was lost in his mind and sitting on the couch while sipping on his coffee quietly .

He sighed and stood up then approached him and quietly sat besides of him .

Kai *hesitatingly * : *place his hand on Taemin's thigh to get his attention* Taemin !

Taemin : Yes ?

Kai : you should rest na . I will leave the room for you to have a nap . anyway I need to meet Porsche to talk about the diamonds's whereabout !

( Yea you guessed right 😅 He's Porsche from Kinnporsche 🤗)

Note : Porsche is their eye in Kim's gang in Thailand you know like a spy and he's Taemin and Kai's collage friend too !

Taemin : *stares at Kai with shocked eyes * He is here too ?!

Kai : yeah he's and he just called me when you were in the shower and informed me to meet him at Taehyung's room  .

Taemin *feeling uneasy for some reason* : *raised a brow *  why calling you and not me or San ?!

Kai : huh ? I ... I dunno maybe my phone was the first in his list because I called him yesterday , I guess !

Taemin : you .. Called him yesterday ? Why ?

Kai : To tell him that we're coming Thailand !

Taemin *pissed* : And why tell him behind of my back ?!

Kai *confusedly * : why this much questions ? And what's this behind of your back ? Why do you look so pissed , Had I  done something wrong 😥 ?

Taemin : Y-you ! Y-yo-you !! Arghhh ! Just leave me . I wanna sleep !

Taemin stood up and laid on the bed covering himself and closed his eyes pretending to sleep. 

Meanwhile ,Kai just looked at him confusedly . He wasn't understanding what is going on so he just sighed and went out straight to Tae's room .

After Kai closed the door , Taemin checked that he really is gone then he sat on the bed and grabbed his hair in frustrating .

Taemin : "what the hell was that feelings !! I felt like I wanna lock the room and pin him on the bed ___ arghhh what the hell was that .. I mean why ? ... *sigh* ... Dad , Mom , help me to understand myself and guide me na ~ ...

Dad , Mom , I miss u ~

Is Taehyung will be with them or __ shit . I won't allow it 😨 !!!  "

He stood up and ran to the door and straight to Taehyung's room , knocking repeatedly while cursing Porsche under his breath .

There was two person fighting in his mind , one telling him to go in and don't allow Kai to be alone with Porsche while the other is telling him to stop and why he's doing it all .

But at the end he listened to the first one's words and kept on knocking on the door till it got opened by none other than Taehyung who was wiping his wet hair with a towel and looking at him confusedly.

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