4. Jeolous Poppy.

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Girls have been flirting with Branch alot more since he came back with his brothers, more then usual.


Branch sighed, as he walked in the Trolls Village.

"Hey Branch!" Floyd shouted over to him, running to catch up causing branch to shoot him a hesitant smile.

"Hey Floyd."

"Everything okay? You look. . . off?" Floyd asked, but before Branch could say anything they heard voices. Very loud, voices. They turned, seeing Clay, Spruce and John Dory all walking towards them, arguing like always.

Branch only rolled his eyes, but Floyd still hadn't forgot about the question.

"Guys! Can you stop fighting, for once?! Branch is more mature than you, and he's alot younger then yall." Floyd cut in, "So, uhm Branch. You didn't answer my question."

Now the rest of there brothers, was looking at Branch.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Branch gave a fake smile, before they heard a--

"Hey, Branchie!" That voice didn't belong to Poppy. They all turned, seeing a girl at an ice-cream truck.

"You know her?" John Dory whispered.

"No. . . I've seen her around, but never spoke to her." Branch answered.

"You wanna maybe. . . hang out later?" The Girl asked, now abondening the truck and standing infront of Branch.

"Uh. . ." Branch muttered, he didn't know what to say, how to answer. If she was asking his older self, than he would say no in a heart beat.

"Sorry Girl, but we've got band practise today." Floyd butted in, earning a glare and a scoff off of the girl.

"Whatever. Call me." The Girl said, placing a hand onto Branch's chest before skipping of.

"Well, that was weird." Clay shrugged.

"Yeah." Branch muttered, the boys obvlious to the fact that Poppy had seen the whole thing.

2 hours later, Branch and his brothers were walking through the Village, his brothers of course eeing all of the stares there little brother was getting from the girls, and the glares from the guys.

"Hey, Branch. Was you always so popular?" Spruce asked.

"What do you mean?" Branch asked.

"Well, every girl has been swooning over you. Literally." Clay answered, with a smirk.

"I-uh. . . no? I guess. I've always kept to myself in the bunker." Branch muttered, now just realising all of the stares he was getting.

"Well, let's give em a show." John Dory said, with a smirk going to walk away, but Branch had quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"No! We are not to give them a show!" Branch whispered roughly.

"What? Why not? I mean, there already staring." Spruce said, running a hand through his hair earning a glare from Branch.

"Hey Boys!" Poppy ran over, while a great big smile. But, that went as soon as she was stood by Branch and saw all of the stare from the girls.

"Looks like you've gotta keep your bf on a short leash, Queen Poppy." Clay said, with a smirk while snickering, "Seems like a girls magnet."

"Nah." Poppy said, waving it of.

"Hey! Branch!" Another Girl ran over, "I was wondering, if you'd like to. . . go out for dinner some time?"

Branch stuttered for a minute, before Poppy only rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Sorry, but he's too busy hanging out with me for the rest of the day." Poppy butted in, while grabbing Branch's hand to pull him back. The Girl only glared at her and walked away.

"Poppy, you okay?" Branch asked, when Poppy let go of her boyfriend.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because, you kinda just snapped at that Troll." Branch muttered.

"Yeah, sorry I guess I'm just abit tired and stressed. Anywho, bye!"

Poppy quickly ran away.

"Ooo~" Spruce and Clay said at the same time.

"What?" Branch asked.

"Can't you see it, bitty b?" John Dory asked, with an eye roll.

"Typical Branch." Clay sighed.

"Come on guys, leave him alone." Floyd butted in.

"No, I know." Branch sighed, "But, oh please. Fill me in."

"Oh, no you gotta do that on your own. But, just a heads up, might wanna let the girls know that you're taken and not by telling." John Dory said, before dragging Clay, Spruce and Floyd away.

Branch sighed, before an idea popped into his head. Quickly running of.

After an hour, the sun was slowly setting, Poppy was talking with Viva, John Dory, Clay, Floyd and Spruce, although she was still bothered about that girl flirting with Branch.

All of a sudden, it all went down, and some leds came on. Lights led upto a stage, to reveal Branch.

"Branch?" Poppy whispered to herself. She looked back to the Bro Zone brothers, who seemed just as confused as she was.

'Wise men say
Only fools, only fools rush in
Oh, but I, but I, I can't help falling in love with you'

Branch started singing. Singing?!

Poppy saw most girls, aweing at Branch, but she saw something diffrent. Her boyfriend singing up on stage, infront of what? A hundred trolls, mostly girl ones which made her a little more jeolous but. . . proud.

'Shall I stay?
Would it be, would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you'

The last line, made mostly everybody confused and to look around, before they watched as Branch walked forward, going down the steps and walking straight, looking right at Poppy.

'Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things, you know, are meant to be'

Branch was infront of Poppy now, her hands in his.

'Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can"t help falling in love with you
For I can"t help falling in love with you

Branch finished, with a soft smile staring right at a beat red Poppy who was smiling just as softly.

"Branch." Poppy said softly, before the two hugged. Poppy pulled away, biting her bottom lip before reaching up on her toes to kiss her boyfriend on the lips.

Branch was suprised, but kissed back.

Once the two pulled away and stared into each others eyes for a few seconds, Branch glanced behind Poppy to see his Brothers smiling proudly at him, while Viva freaked out, but in a good way.

"But. . . why?" Poppy asked softly this time, now looking around seeing mostly all eyes on the two of them, "You hate attention."

"Maybe, but I want everybody to know that I'm yours." Branch said, Poppy felt her eyes become teary, before she dived at her boyfriend, pulling him into an even tighter hug than before.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

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