baby time.

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Ria: Morning guys.
Monica: Oh hey sweetie, want some eggs?
Ria: Oh you and bob Marley are still here.
Then Lip and Ian laugh, then i sit down next to Lip.
Lip: Hey.
He kisses my cheek and i just smile, it's really hot outside and i'm sweating.
Ian: Come on you need to stay hydrated.
Ria: Thanks, i just keep getting bad pains.
Lip: You think your gonna pop soon.
Ria: Probably.
Then Monica and Roberta leave with Liam.
Ria: Where are they going?
Lip: To see if Liam's Franks son, because if he's not they can take him.
Ian: Yeah, we're gonna follow them.
Ria: I'm coming.
Then we follow them, we go in after they leave with Liam.
Lip: Hey the 2 women who just came in here, can we go what they did? We need to see who our dad is.
Women: Sure, oh and congratulations.
Ria: Is there a thing where you can see the father of your baby?
Women: Yeah, we can do that.
Ria: Okay, we'll come back later with all the DNA's.
We leave and go back to the Gallagher house, we go up to the boys room and we all sit on Ian's bed. We all swab our cheeks and then put them in the packet to keep them safe for tonight.

A few hours later we take our DNA swabs back to centre. Then we go back to the Gallagher house. We sit down and the table for dinner, Lip walks through the door with two Envelopes.
Fiona: What's that?
Lip: Here's urs Ri, Monica and Roberta found out if Liam is Franks son so me and Ian thought we'd do the same and Ria is just checking i'm actually the dad.
Then Lip opens his before i open mine, i watch his eyes scan the letter.
Lip: Congratulations Ian you are not Frank's son.
Ian: What? Let me see that??
Ria: I'm sorry Lip, your not the dad...
Lip: WHAT?
Ria: Only joking, of course it's you.
He lets out a sigh of relief and kisses me and Kevin gives me a look and then i smirk.
Frank: What how is he not my son??
Monica: I think i might've slept with one of ur brothers.
Frank: What?? You cheated on me with one of my brothers, which one???
Lip starts laughing and then i playfully punch him in the arm.
Lip: What i like thinking of the fact that Dad got cheated on!
I roll my eyes and then me and Lip walk into the living room to talk.
Lip: I just wanted you to know me and Karen are done for good now, i promise. I love you.
Ria: Oh Lip... I love you too.
Our lips smash together and we start making out until Kevin and Veronica come in. I quickly get off him.
Kevin: Home.
Ria: Sorry dadddd, I love you Lip.
Lip: I love you too.
I then walk into my house, i sit on the couch and then i hear some sort of fuss outside. I get down the stairs slowly and walk over to see Monica and Roberta loading up there truck and Monica is holding Liam. Then Monica walks over, tears falling down her cheeks, she hands Liam to Fiona.
Fiona: Mom.
And then Monica turns around and Fiona nods and slightly smiles at her.
Ria: Bye Roberta.
I say sticking my middle fingers up and Veronica pulls them down and starts laughing.

The next day i walk into the Gallaghers house, I see Lip sat there shaking his leg. I go and sit next to him and rub his back.
Ria: What's up?
Lip: i know you hate her but Karen's dad got kicked out because he went crazy after they went to this father daughter thing and he called her a whore.
Ria: Well she is a fucking whore, she deserves it. She shouldn't fuck my man for fun.
Lip: Your man huh?
Ria: Oh sorry I-
Then Lip kissed me, he pulls away and i wipe my lips and then smile at him.
Lip: Will you uh- be my girl friend?
Ria: of course Lip, we already act like a married couple anyway.
I smile and then we watch a movie and then Ian walks down.
Ian: There's my people.
Ian kisses my cheek and then sits down, we all laugh at the movie and then Liam walks over.
Ria: Hey baby come here.
I pick Liam up and put him on my lap, i notice Lip looking at me and Liam laughing.
Lip: Nothing, your gonna be a great mom you know that.
Ria: Of course i know that babe.
Then i feel some sort of wetness on my legs.
Ria: Oh shit, i think pissed myself. I didn't even feel it.
Then all of a sudden i get this excruciating pain in my stomach. I scream, Ian grabs Liam and Fiona runs down with Steve. Halfway getting dressed, i must've ruined there moment. Oh well, i'm gonna have a baby.
Lip: Your water broke baby!!
I scream even Louder and Carl and Debbie run downstairs and Kevin and Veronica run through the door.
Kevin: What the hell- Oh my god. Are you having a baby? Here? Now?
Then Kevin drives me to the hospital with Veronica and Lip and all the Gallaghers meet us there. They put me in a room and lay me on the bed, i put my legs up and everyone but Kevin is looking down there.
Lip: I know baby, it's going to be okay. Hold my hand.
I hold his hand and squeeze it whilst i'm screaming in pain.
Nurse: Come on, you can do this. Push harder!
Lip: Breathe slowly.
I start breathing quick and heavy and start pushing again.
Ian: I see a head!!
I scream again, 1 hour later. The baby has come out.
Carl: Woah, Vagina.
Fiona: Carl!
Ria: Carl!
We both say it at the same time and then Lip kisses my sweaty forehead. Then they pass my baby to me.
Ria: My beautiful baby girl, you look just like your daddy.
Kevin: Well done Bear, we're all so proud of you.
They take away my baby to clean her up and then they all come and hug me.

A few days later, i show up at the Gallagher house with my baby. No one thought i was coming home for another week. I walk in with my baby girl in all pink with a pink bow on. They all see me and stand up. Veronica starts tearing up.
Veronica: Oh my god, she's beautiful honey.
I let Veronica and then Kevin hold her, i pass her to Lip and see how good he is with her. Everyone else gets to hold her and then i walk upstairs to feed her. I sit on Ian's bed as my baby sucks my nipple for milk. Then Lip walks in.
Lip: Mmm, is that what's for dessert? When's it my turn, she's getting it all.
Ria: You wish.
Then he sits down next to me and kisses me.
Lip: I just wanna say how proud i am of you, i love you so much. My beautiful girl.
Ria: I love you more babe.
Then we go downstairs after i feed her, I walk home and put her in her cot and then walk back over to the Gallaghers as Veronica's mom house sits and looks after the baby.

They all sit down in the living room after i've talked to Lip.
Ria: So we've decided to call the baby... Elizabeth Veronica Gallagher.
Veronica gets up and hugs me with tears in her eyes and so does Fiona.
Veronica: I'm so happy for you baby. Thank you so much.

Ria Jenners x Lip Gallagher Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora