eighty nine.

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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙇𝙊𝙏𝙏𝙀 𝘽𝙄𝙏 𝘿𝙊𝙒𝙉 on the inside of her cheek in frustration, looking down at her phone once again. 


He was a full thirty minutes late now. 

"Are you ready to order some food?" The waitress asked, giving Charlotte one of those smiles that were laced with pity. 

Charlotte shook her head, looking at the empty seat across from her, "No. Thank you. He'll be here soon."

The waitress tried to hide the doubtful expression on her features, but failed miserably. "Just...wave me down if you need me."

"Got it," Charlotte muttered, forcing her lips into a smile. 

The waitress had barely turned by the time Charlotte was sending another text to Rafe asking where the hell he was. 

She was in the middle of typing out a message that told him if he wasn't here in the next fifteen minutes he might as well lose her number because this was her last straw, when someone sat down across from her. 

Not looking up for a moment, Charlotte exhaled, trying to resist the urge to snap. "Nice of you to finally─oh!" Her anger turned to shock as she met the blue eyes of the person sitting across from her...but it wasn't the blonde-hair-blue-eyed boy that she had been expecting to see. 

"JJ," She breathed, a mixture of shock, relief, and apprehension washing over her. She hadn't expected him to want to talk to her anytime soon. 

Scratching at the back of his neck, JJ gave her an awkward smile, "Sarah told me where to find you." He explained. And if he knew that she was here with the idea of meeting Rafe, he didn't mention it. 

Nodding slightly, Charlotte thought of what to say to him. For once, an uncomfortable tension settled between the two of them. 

It was Charlotte who finally broke it. "Where's John B?" She wondered, asking the most neutral question she could think of. 

JJ let out a small sigh. "In jail."

"What!?" The question fell from Charlotte's lips in an exclamation, causing the waitress to glance over at her with a look of concern. Reining her emotions in, Charlotte looked back to JJ. "What happened?"

"Shoupe found us," JJ shrugged, "Don't know if Topper's pressed charges yet...if he does, then John B gets booked and he's done for."

"Sarah is going to talk to Topper," she assured. "It'll be okay, J."

He gave her a small nod, his eyes examining her face. "Your eye looks better today." He commented, quickly changing the subject. 

Without thinking, Charlotte touched at the bruise. It still was evident, but certainly looked better than it did a day ago. 

A day ago...the same day that had brought upon the night in which JJ tried to fight Rafe at her parents' anniversary party. The same day that had caused all of this drama. 

With a pain in her heart, Charlotte spoke, "Listen, JJ. About last night, I ─"

"No." JJ interrupted, shaking his head vehemently, "I know last night was fucked up, and I'm sorry if I made things harder for you. But if you're about to apologize then I don't want to hear it."

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃─𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें