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“Dina, Khizr asked his wife to join him in his bedroom” Amal hope crashed as soon as she heard these words from the women, Farah, who had just entered the room.

“What” Dina asked in confusion, her eyebrows knitted together into a frown as she stared at Farah before looking back at Amal.Dina was waiting for an answer but Amal was too preoccupied by her fear to be muster up the courage to put words together, she thought Dina knew and she had probably negotiated with Khizr.But, it all felt too good to true.

“Dina, Hayyan’s downstairs waiting for you and he seems quite angry too.What did you do now?” Farah sighed.

“I’m not going with him.Tell him to get out of this house.”Amal was quite shocked at Dina’s angry tone, she was the last person she expected to talk in such a tone.She couldn’t help but wonder the reason behind it, she shoved that thought away telling herself that it was none of her business.Farah nodded at Dina’s statement and went out,leaving Amal and Dina alone.

“Why did you not tell me about this? What did he tell you?” Dina questioned Amal, trying to think of a way to get her out of this mess.She was not going to allow her brother to make a mess out of her life.

“He told me to stay in his room until you leave.I thought you knew about this and you talked him out of this idea”Amal answered honestly before continuing.

“I leave?” Dina questioned confusedly, not sure if she heard right.Where was she going? Amal nodded at her question.

“I’ll go to his room, don’t put yourself into more trouble.” Amal expressed her next steps when she recalled how Farah had told Dina that her husband was angry at her.She was going to suffer by the hands of Khizr regardless, so why pull Dina into her problem and make her suffer too? Amal could not describe the guilt she was feeling for dragging her into this matter.Khizr ,clearly, has more authority than Dina.

“No, you’re not! Stay here and I’ll talk to bhai” Dina says as she tried to navigate through the situation.

“No! You're only making things worse for me.” Amal voiced her opinion as fear started rising in her, trying to fix the whole situation. Amal was scared of his reaction, even in the morning he did not pay any heed to Dina and if Dina interrupts him again, she did not want to imagine what he'd do again.

Dina was taken aback by the situation, she was just trying to help. She let pessimistic thoughts get out of the head realising that it was Amal's fear taking over her.

“I'll go, don't worry about me.I'll be fine”Amal said again trying to console herself. She stared into the mirror to fix her hijab, making all the efforts to not look Dina in the eyes.

Dina nodded at her statement and led her to Khizr's room.Amal was trying to think of a way to escape, she couldn't possibly live like this her whole life? The area was heavily guarded, there was no way she could get out without getting in their sight. Maybe she should try gaining his trust and when he lets her go outside, she can escape? Confusion took over Amal, every idea that she thought of wasn't practical. How could he ever trust her when she's his enemy's daughter?

Dina knocked on the door and went inside as Amal followed her, reading her dhikr to make her inner state a bit better.
“You're with her again?”Khizr questioned as soon as he saw Dina, before continuing “What's your next plan? Sleep on the same bed with us?”

Dina shot him a look that displayed her disgust, “Ew, I was just showing her the way” she replied.

“Well, take her to the room next door.” Khizr said, Amal took a deep breath in relief when she heard his words. Her lips curled into a small smile and her heartbeat calmed down, she stared at Dina with a smile not being able to hide her happiness. However, her happiness didn't last long before she heard his next words, “I'll come after finishing my work.”Khizr said as he shut the door on Dina's face.

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