Sobs and Giggles

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She heard the chatter around her but she was unable to comprehend, the voices came as inaudible murmurs.She tried opening her eyes, but was unable to do as she felt an unexplained weight on her eyes. She tried moving her body, but instead she felt a pinching pain all over her body making her unable to move her body. She felt useless.

The continuous chatter made her feel really uncomfortable, she was scared. She did not know her whereabouts, she did not know that man.

Suddenly she felt a weight on her hands, except it kept travelling up and down her arms. In some time, she started feeling some sensations in her body and the voices started clearing up.

The heavy weight on her eyes seemed to have slowly been lifted, as she slowly opened her eyes to a blurry view. Though after giving it a few seconds, it cleared up.

“Amal”She heard a voice filled with concern, Amal followed the voice and her gaze landed on a very worried Farah.All of a sudden, she was able to connect the dots when she saw that Farah was massaging her arms.Amal still did not have enough energy to gather her words, she tried sitting up but failed miserably as the heavy weight on her head  prevented her from even lifting her head.She felt her brain and body numb.

“Don’t, take some rest” Farah said, Amal stared at the roof surrendering to the pain.

“Yeah, she fell from the stairs at night.But Alhamdulillah, the doctor said she’s fine and just has a small sprain in her legs.” The girl sighed in relief, as she fixed the bedsheet.

“Oh, Alhamdullilah.I heard she was drugged?” Another asked, dusting the side table.

“Apparently so, Farah said it might’ve been an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt. Dina Ma’am was saying she saw the  main door open when she saw Amal Ma’am near the stairs at night.”

“May Allah keep her in his protection. Hopefully Khizr bhai can find the culprit.”

“I can hear you chattering from outside, get to work!”

Amal leaned her back on the bed post, she was feeling much better now after taking her medications and offering her isha salah. She could not believe she had encountered such an incident, it was something that had never happened to her before.

Amal knew it was because Raheem was very protective of her and even though he used to be very busy in his start-ups, he used to always accompany her wherever she wanted to go. Amal always tried to refuse as she didn't want to disturb his work schedule, but he kept his words and followed along because he never trusted the guards enough.

“Bhai, What do you mean you don't trust the guards? I'm sure they've been loyal to Baba for years!” Amal questioned, tying her seat belt. She had told her brother to focus on his work and not bother about picking her up from college, but here he was once again!

“When Allah(ﷻ) blesses you with such a stupid sister, you have to work overtime to protect her.” Raheem pinched her cheek and in response, Amal pushed his hand away with a frown. Raheem chuckled as he checked the mirrors and started the car.

“Bhai, you just called me stupid!”Amal stared at her brother in disbelief, waiting for an apology.

“But I also called you a blessing”

Tears welled up in her eyes as her brother came into her mind.She wondered how he felt when he came back from his overseas trip and found her gone?

Would he believe her?

Amal felt unsafe, she wanted to leave this house. It only added to her trauma, she had suffered more in this one month than her whole life.

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