Chapter 20 - The Ball

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Wren peered at herself in the full-length mirror. She wasn't looking at herself, she was sure of it. An elegant, pale pink dress slid down her body, exposing her collarbone and neck. It had long, puffed sleeves that were transparent and flowers were lined on the top of her dress and on the waist of her dress so there was an exclusive feel to it. Its skirts floofed around her legs whenever she moved them, reaching the ground.

The pale pink gown matched her ginger hair - what was more, she had to wear her crown. Her royal crown as a princess.

The doors to the dressing-room swung open and Odyssey stood there, wearing a frilly blue gown and a crown was sitting upon her perfectly coiffed her proudly. She gasped when she saw Wren.

'My dear! You look absolutely stunning!'

Wren couldn't help but scowl. 'I can't breathe in the dress. The waistband's too tight.'

'Don't worry dear, you'll just have to walk in this for an evening,' said Odyssey fondly, looking at Wren through the mirror. 'You know, we haven't properly celebrated the finding of out beloved, long-lost princess, so I thought why not add that to our ball, hey? The announcements will be done, of course. The spotlight will be all on you tonight, Wren.'

Wren sighed. 'When's the ball starting?'

'In an hour, love.' Odyssey curled a finger around a twirl of Wren's hair. 'Perfect. You look decent and like a proper princess.'

'I hope so,' said Wren grudgingly, hitching up her skirt.

'Don't do that to the dress - I had one of the maids to smooth out that dress for you!'

'Any guests yet?' said Wren, trying to change the subject.

'Not yet. Well, your friends are here. I'm glad to see you've invited everyone from your year, Wren -'

'Almost everyone,' Wren muttered under her breath as she adjusted the glimmering flower on her hair. She hadn't invited Aurora. She hadn't wanted to invite Estella either, but Luxe was determined that Estella deserved to enjoy life and have a bit of fun so reluctantly, Wren had agreed.

'Alright, I'd better get down now,' said Odyssey, looking rather flustered. 'The grand entrance for the queen will be in an hour -' she smoothed her dress importantly. 'I don't want it all messed up, you see. And then it's time for your entrance, Wren. We've rehearsed this countless times; do you remember the procedure?'

Wren took great care not to groan. She had had rehearsed the events of the ball with Odyssey endlessly - she wasn't going to rehearse now. 'I know, I know, we've done it plenty of times,' she said, turning back to the mirror.

'I feel it's best we go through them once more,' said Odyssey, sitting down on the couch. Wren couldn't help but groan this time. 'Go on.'

Wren sighed and looked up at the ceiling, head tilted towards it. 'One, Iridia's grand entrance. Two, Princess Wren's grand entrance. Three, Princess Wren and Queen Odyssey gets up to stage to meet King and Queen of Iridia. Four, announcements of Princess Wren and Iridia. Five, the dance. Six, the feast. Seven, the dance and the feast. Eight, dismissal and end of ball.'

'Fantastic,' said Odyssey, standing up so abruptly one might as well have thought there were pins on the couch, 'I'm starting to think you're a natural at this, Wren. Why don't you put all this in action?

Wren wasn't sure what to say.

'And,' pressed on Odyssey, 'Oh, and by the way, did I mention Prince Caston will be your dance partner for tonight? So try not to step on his feet when you're dancing -'

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