Chapter 21 - The Never-Ending Loop

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Before we get to the story, the song ... Wren's about to kick ass. 


Here's her kicking ass :)

She was hurled inside a chamber. The loud, echoing thud of her being thrown across the room echoed around the room, signalling she was in an empty room. It was dark around her - the last sound she heard was the door slamming shut.

Her eyes blurred to focus. They were in a large room - a unused chamber. Dazzled, Wren stood up, shaking slightly and feeling her throat. There was no blood, but it still hurt from the blade.

'Tell me, Princess,' said a low, growling voice. 'How's it feel to be cornered at last, weaponless, wandless?'

A dark, shadowy silhoutte of a burly, grown man stood in the darkness. Wren looked up warily - it was true, she was defenseless and here she was, cornered by someone she couldn't even see in the dark. Wren wished she had a sword - anything - to protect herself.

She took a step away. 'I must say, it might feel better if you defined yourself,' she said loudly in clear, ringing tones.

Although she couldn't see the face, she could feel a sneer from her kidnapper.

'Release me,' said Wren, thinking fast.

'Oh, I wouldn't ask if I were you,' said the low voice and Wren detected a mocking smile.

'Charming princess, you are. Never suspected what you knew, what was in that brain of yours when I saw you dancing with that Iridian prince.' He was careful not to insult him. 'Sweet, really, when you walked down that aisle, with that crown on your head ... anyone would've thought you were just a harmless princess who was lost in the ordinary world.'

Wren decided to play dumb. 'I don't know what you're talking about,' she said in a rather convincing voice. 'What do you mean sir, what goes on in my brain? I'm just ...'

Next second she heard his voice, he was speaking in her ear.

'Don't,' he growled, 'play pretend.'

Wren's uneven-coloured eyes glowed bright, the colour saturating like they always did when she was excited or angry. She caught sight of a necklace with a raven symbol dangling down his neck. She let herself breathe for a while - then she flung her arm round the man's neck and throttled him down. He was strong - he flung her down on the ground and seized something from his pocket. Wren stood up, raging, to see the glint of a glittering dagger in the light of the darkness.

With a howl of fury, the man ran towards her, plunging the dagger to her but in one swift move, she dodged easily. She grabbed the man's wrist, applying pressure until a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead - the man leaped back and growled at her.

'Fishy one, aren't you?' he said tauntingly. 'I see they teach you to fight here.'

'Oh, hardly,' said Wren airily. 'I consider this a natural ability. Beautiful blade though,' she remarked, nodding her head towards the dagger. 'Such a pity it has to stand between us.'

The man made his move - he struck, she blew, he dived, she ducked, she kicked him in the shins, he howled and struck, she rolled away deftly but the man was faster - he swung his arm towards her and caught her by the neck just in time as the door swung open.


Her kidnapper's elbow was tucking Wren to his chest, Wren struggled to breathe. He was holding the knife with the hand capturing Wren - Wren gasped.

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