Mon Ange

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"What would you like to make then?" I asked as Lando and I entered my apartment. "How about pizza?" He suggested, looking at me with pure excitement in his eyes. I just chuckled and nodded, leading the way to the kitchen. "Let's see if I have the ingredients then." I just said and began to find what we would need to make the pizza dough. 

I glanced over at Lando, who was looking around the apartment. I had an open kitchen which was combined with the living room, so I could see as he was looking around at the different decorations and pictures I had on display. "Is this your dad?" He asked, holding up an old picture of me and him on my graduation day. 

"Yeah, that's him," I said with a smile on my face. Lando put down the picture and continued to look around. "No siblings?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nope, just me." He approached me in the kitchen and stood beside me. "Must have been lonely at times.." I glanced at him, he was already looking at me with somewhat sad eyes. "At times, yeah, but I had my dad," I explained, giving him a smile while rolling up my sleeves.

"You two must be close then?" He smiled and did the same as me. "Very. He's my best friend, he supports me in everything I do." I began mixing the dough in a bowl, while he stood watching. "Do you have anyone else who supports you?" He asked, making me stop for a moment to think about it. "I mean, I have Isack and Arthur! The Hitech team, and the Red Bull team now as well." I responded without giving it any further thought. 

"What about outside racing? Any friends? A boyfriend maybe?" Thinking about it, I didn't have that many friends outside racing anymore. I had one good girlfriend, but no one else. The rest never seemed to understand my passion for motorsport, and as soon as I began to try and go pro, most of them fell behind. "I have one good friend, Melanie. We don't talk every day or anything, but she's always very supportive of me!" I smiled.

"And a boyfriend?" My mind immediately went to Charles, and I couldn't even explain why. Maybe because of how close we had gotten lately, or maybe it was because of our conversation earlier. Either way, he wasn't my boyfriend. "No, no boyfriend yet." I chuckled, probably looking way too happy for someone without one.

"I bet that will happen soon enough. A pretty girl like you, there's no way guys won't be interested in you." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks at his compliment. "Oh yeah? You think so?" I responded automatically. "I'm positive."

We continued our conversations while making the pizzas and had a good time together. While waiting for them to cook we decided to play a board game, but in the middle of the game, I received a notification from Clive. He sent me a link to the statement that Ferrari and Charles had made and I immediately read what it said. Charles wrote;

'Hello everyone,

As many of you have probably seen by now, there are a lot of rumours and articles going around regarding f2 driver Yn Carter and me. I would like to kindly ask everyone to show some respect and give us privacy, as this matter is a personal one. Yn and I are good friends and I care about her dearly, therefore it saddens me to witness how many are speaking poorly of her online. I would like to make it clear that I do not approve of hateful comments of any kind on the internet, and anyone who would spread something like this will not be considered a friend of mine or Scuderia Ferrari. 

Thank you, 

Charles Leclerc'

"What are you reading?" Lando spoke, bringing me back to reality. I gave him my phone to show him the statement. "Clive sent me this," I explained and he nodded as he read through the message, furrowing his eyebrows. "You got hate?" He asked, seeming slightly angry. "Not directly, just comments on all those articles regarding Charles and I." He sighed and gave me back my phone. "It's not a big deal," I added and Lando shook his head.

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