We're done.

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"What the fuck were you playing at, Carter?! You could've killed both of us out there, do you even realise how dangerous that was?!" Arthur was screaming at me after the races. The F1 race was also done at this point, so it was rather late in the night. I couldn't even look at him. How was this only my fault? Some of the mechanics were trying to keep him away from getting close, as he was visibly very angry, trying to get all up in my face. 

I crashed, but everything turned out to be fine, at least physically. But I had lost everything I was fighting for, all at once, and one thing was for sure; it wasn't my fault. "Don't act like that was all me Leclerc, we both know you ain't no angel," I said, feeling almost numb from all the pain I had gone through in one day already. Isack joined my side, first checking if I was alright, then took a step in front of me, as Arthur made it closer to confront me.

"You're on her side in this, Ice?!" He spat, and Isack shook his head in disappointment. "Oh fuck off, Arthur." He gritted his teeth, but just as the tension built, Charles and Max stepped in between, trying to calm them down. I couldn't even look at Charles anymore at this point. "Boys, calm down and leave it be. Things like these happen, okay?" Charles started, making me roll my eyes, and Isack scoffed loudly. "Oh they just happen, do they?" He asked sarcastically, earning everyone's attention.

"Yn, I know. You were upset with your mother here, but that out there was dangerous, for everyone involved..." Charles tried reaching out to touch me, but Isack slapped his hand away from me and stepped up. "Leave her alone mate," He warned and I felt myself get teary-eyed already. "Woah, Isack, calm down... Your mother is here, Cart?" Max asked, trying to put all the pieces together. 

"She is. But she is not the problem." I said coldly, avoiding both Arthur and Charles's eyes that were darted at me. "Not the problem? You were obviously upset before the race, and-" Charles started but I rudely cut him off. "SHE. Was not. The problem." I said firmly, then proceeded to explain what had happened earlier that day.


We had an hour until we had to get ready when my phone rang... It was my mother...

I picked up the phone and went out onto the paddock for some space. "Hello?" I said when I answered. "Yn, my love, where are you?" She asked, sounding happy for some reason. We hadn't spoken in months, and suddenly she called to ask where I was. I couldn't help but get visibly annoyed, when I said, "I'm at a race, Mom, why do you ask?" She chuckled on her end and I felt puzzled as ever. "I know that silly, I mean where? I can't seem to find my way around here. Your dad said it would be easy, but all I see are these big signs and I don't know which one to go to?"

I looked around the paddock, and my jaw dropped to the ground when I saw her standing in the middle of the paddock, looking lost. She had never been to any of my races before. "I see you mom, hold on," I said, hanging up before I made my way to her.

"If you're here to tell me that this is gonna get me killed, that you hate the sport and all that, then I don't want to hear it," I said sharply as soon as I got to her. She looked at me with sad eyes and brought me into a hug. "Oh my girl, look at you!" She said, and I looked down on myself in confusion. I was wearing my race suit. "I'm not here to try and lecture you, my dear. Your dad told me all about how well you're doing, how proud he is and even that you got a boyfriend now!" She said with excitement, but I could still hear a certain amount of bitterness.

"Yes, that's true..." I said, not understanding anything at this point. "Well, it made me realise, that this hatred I had for this sport is making me miss out on my only daughter growing up into a woman... I already missed it all, I know... But I want to change. I want to be around from now on. I want to support you... If you'll let me?" I looked at her in pure shock. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. Should I feel happy? Or angry? I tried to feel if I had any anger inside, but there was nothing but a feeling of indifference. It didn't upset me anymore. She did not affect me whatsoever.

Love and Rivalry {Female F1 driver}Where stories live. Discover now