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"His laugh you'd die for,
his laugh you'd die for"


I saw Asher talking with a driver, but i was unable to figure out who cause of the light that's flashing my eyes. Then i saw him calling me over, so i went there. Turns out, he's talking to Charles Leclerc. Yep, Charles Leclerc. "Well Charles i want you to meet my sister" Asher said.

"Well hello, i'm Charles nice to meet you"

"Umm hi, i'm Avery"

Charles Leclerc is talking to me. I can't handle this. "Well y'all can talk i need to talk to my engineer," Asher said continuing to whisper something to Charles then proceed to walk away. "What did he say?" I asked. "He just said what a wonderful sister you are" Charles stated while smiling.

"Yeah definitely no, so do you wanna share what he said?"

He giggled, "He just said that i'm your favorite driver, that's all."

"Oh, well.. yeah you are if i'm gonna be honest. Since 2018, since sauber yes" I said.

He giggled again, "Well thank you darling, i hope you will continue to support me even in this shit car."

He called me darling. Charles Leclerc called me darling, "Wow i can't believe you admitted that, yeah it's shit." We laughed together.

"I'm sure you must be disappointed by your result last time, i'm sure you can do better in ferrari's home race."

"Thank you for that, i hope so too" He said while smiling.

"Okay i think i need to go, talk to you later? I'll find you after the interviews and shit." He suggested and i nodded letting him go.

I did not just talk to my number 1 favorite driver ever. I was flabbergasted. Then my thoughts were interrupted by my mom dragging me somewhere. She dragged me near the stage where some of the drivers are getting interviewed by the media. Right now, Asher, Charles and Lando are getting interviewed on stage together. "Oh my god it's Lando Norris, i'm seeing Lando in real life right now this is insane" I said quietly.

"So Charles, how do you feel today?" The interviewer asked.

"Well last time, i didn't do well on my race so i hope this time i can do much better. Especially because this is monza, i have to do good. I really hope me and Carlos can have a good weekend and at least one of us can win this with double podium of course."

"Then let's hope so. So about a few moments ago you're seen talking to someone back there, it was a gorgeous girl. Who was it?"

Charles seems surprised by that question, "Well, it's supposed to be privacy but i don't have anything to hide because that's Asher's sister."

The interviewer also seemed surprised by that answer expecting a more juicy answer, "Well Asher, let's go to you. You scored your first point at the last race. How do you feel about that?"

"It was remarkable, even though it was just a point, it meant a lot to me."

"Well then lets expect more points in the future huh? So let's go off topic a bit, so you have a sister?" The interviewer asked and i was a bit surprised they would ask about me.

"Oh yes i have a sister, she's right there with my parents. Her name is.." Asher said without saying my name but then he looked at Charles.

"Avery" Charles said softly.

"Oh well what do we have here, did you have a reason for introducing Avery to Charles?" I was surprised and instantly faced Asher and quiet him about the whole me being a fan of Charles.

Asher saw me, "Uhh, nothing much i just think they might connect with each other. In a friendship way of course, i know that Charles has a girlfriend and Avery is only sixteen so no chance."

It was a good answer but then i saw Charles reaction, "What, she's only sixteen? Are you sure?"

"Of course i'm sure she's my sister mate" Asher said while laughing, the crowd also laughed.

After that, the interview continued with the normal questions. That was a weird interview. "You're sixteen? There's no way you're 10 years younger than me i feel old now" Charles stated. "Yeah i'm sixteen, i started watching f1 at 11 years old, and yes it's surprising" I answered. We talked a bit more and got interrupted by his manager dragging him away.

"Hey sis, come here and meet Lando" Asher said. I went to him and saw THE Lando Norris. "Hey Asher's sister, you two do look alike." Oh my god Lando Norris is talking to me, he's a lot nicer than i thought he would be. "Yeah we get that a lot, might as well make us twins." My joke wasn't funny why did i say that. "Oh i like her, you're funnier and sassier than this guy right here" Lando said sarcastically. I made a face to Asher and he did back.

"You look way older than sixteen mate, not saying that you're old tho. You just look mature?"

I laughed, "Yeah don't worry, i get that a lot."

We talked for a while and after some times it's time to go back to the hotel. Mom and dad wanted to stay longer but i'm tired so i might just call a cab so mom and dad can ride the car. While i was walking i heard a voice calling out to me. "Need a ride teenager?" It was Charles.

"Hey Charles, where are you going?"

"Back to the hotel"

"Yes, i'm trying to find a cab"

"Oh come on, come in, a Deanne riding a cab? I won't allow that. We're in the same hotel don't worry" I just nodded.

He was riding a Ferrari 488 Pista, it's gorgeous. I hop in the car and he drove. It was a comfortable drive. Then i suddenly remembered i'm in a car with the Charles Leclerc. Okay i really should stop freaking out every single time. It's not that big of a deal, my own brother is a formula 1 driver too. "Avery?" He said while tapping my shoulders and i jumped a bit. "Jeez you scared me."

"I was calling out your name for 2 times already and you weren't answering."

"I'm sorry i was dozing out, what is it you wanna say?"

"It's fine don't worry, so do you wanna go out for dinner? It'll be on me."

"Oh sure but i can pay for myself no need to worry about that."

"It's a treat from your favorite driver, take it" He said while smirking grinning.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat, "Okay then thank you for that and the ride."

He just smiled at me and my heart started beating. He's so charming, i mean he is Charles Leclerc but he's like 10 years older than me he's only doing this because i'm his fan and i'm a fellow driver's sister. But, i can't help to get flustered by his behaviour.

"We're here"

Take A Chance With Me | Charles LeclercWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt