Limited Edition Shoes

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While she watched their every little movement, the corner of Isha’s lips lifted in a faint sneer.

Five years had passed, but Himanshi hadn’t made any progress. She still used the same old tricks from before to deal with her.

She really hadn’t changed at all!

Jaya checked the shoes and quickly realized there was something wrong. As she put pressure on them, the platforms broke, making it easy to slip on them.

“What’s going on? Youhui, can you explain this to us?” Jaya was both ashamed and angry. Holding the shoes in her hands, she yelled at Youhui, “I thought you could be trusted! These shoes had been properly kept and checked all the time. Why did they break all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what happened...” Youhui was scared. These shoes were all provided by the sponsors, and there was a specific person assigned to take care of them backstage. If the investigators looked into what caused this accident, they would quickly find it was her fault.

If she had to make up for the damage, it would cost her all the money she made in the past two years.

She wouldn’t be in this trouble if her plan had gone well and Isha’s ankle was really sprained. In that case, Himanshi would certainly help her deal with the aftermath.

But now, everything was a mess, and it seemed that Himanshi didn’t want to intervene in this matter at all.

Youhui felt so regretful! She would pay a huge price for a moment of impulse.

Jaya couldn’t help but be furious at the scheming woman, so she continued to shout, “If you don’t know, who does? Isha? She had never been here before. If you have anything to say to defend yourself, just go and tell the supervisor!”

Then Jaya turned around and bowed deeply to Isha. “I’m sorry, Miss Sharma. I was rash and misjudged you just now. Please accept my apology!”

“It’s your internal business. You can handle it among yourselves. Now, can anyone find me a suitable pair of shoes?” Isha asked calmly.

Immediately, Jaya asked another person to assist Isha. The next moment, she and several other assistants brought Youhui to the supervisor in order to understand more about what happened.

As the other models were also in a hurry to get ready, they demanded, “We also want to have our shoes and clothes checked again! If something goes wrong, we can’t afford to take responsibility for it!”

Himanshi dug her nails into her palms as she cursed Isha inwardly.

Manisha also rushed to prepare the shoes and clothes for Himanshi.

As for Isha, her shoe problem persisted. Since Youhui had intentionally ruined every pair of shoes which could fit her, Isha had nothing to wear now.

“Miss Sharma, maybe you can wear a slightly larger size. I’ll find some insoles for you. It’s the only way to deal with shoes that don’t fit.” This assistant was very polite.

“Okay,” Isha nodded.

Isha understood this was all that could be done now. As a model, it was common for her to meet this kind of problem. Sometimes, the shoes provided by the sponsors didn’t fit perfectly. Besides, her feet were narrow and long. So it was unlikely to find her a pair that fit at the last minute.

Gladly, Isha had already studied the basic skills her profession required. She would try her best to walk on the stage in the most difficult circumstances without jeopardizing her own safety and health.

While Isha waited for the insoles, a man in a suit rushed in, holding a pair of shoes in his hand, which came from today’s sponsor.

“Miss Sharma, here are your shoes!”

The models who were trying on their shoes all raised their heads and looked over.

The man was holding a transparent shoebox in his hand. The shoes inside and the logo of the brand they were from were clearly visible.

Seeing the shoes held by the man, all the models could not help being envious.

These shoes, which had been specially sent here, would be a perfect fit for the woman that they were meant for.

Naturally, all the models wanted to wear a pair of shoes that fit well on their feet.

Unfortunately, common models like them didn’t have any choice, and they didn’t have enough money to buy their own clothes and shoes. So, they could only surmount such difficulties by themselves.

As soon as Manisha heard that the shoes were for Miss Sharma, she immediately exclaimed, “Himanshi, Mr. Verma has sent someone to give you those shoes!”

“Himanshi, you are so lucky!” a model who knew Himanshi well said enviously. “At home, your father treats you as the apple of his eye. At work, you have a boyfriend who cares about you so much. As for you, you are still working so hard. All of these help you get ahead in life.”

“Yes! The shoes are from the same brand as this show, so they are acceptable for the first test. Himanshi, please show us mercy later and give us a chance, okay? After all, you already have a perfect life.”

With a bright smile on her face, Himanshi said, “Before leaving the house this morning, I told Deepak that everytime, the shoes backstage vary considerably in size and are uncomfortable to wear, but it’s not appropriate for me to personally prepare a pair of shoes. I didn’t know that he was really paying attention to what I said.”

“Of course he was! Mr. Verma always takes your words very seriously,” Manisha said flatteringly.

Hearing the mention of Deepak, Isha sighed in her heart. The light in her eyes dimmed, and the sadness that she had felt in the past began to fill her eyes.

However, she had already learned to forget it and let it go.

Manisha said, “We have to hurry up. Change your shoes now.” “Please give that to me,”

Manisha said to the man who was holding the shoebox.

“Excuse me, are you Miss Sharma?” the man asked.

Manisha smiled. “Of course not, but I’m Miss Sharma’s agent. I’ll take it for her. Is that okay?”

“Sure.” The man respectfully handed the shoebox to Manisha.

When Manisha opened the box and saw the shoes inside, she couldn’t help gushing, “Wow! They are limited edition shoes! Himanshi, come and look at this!”

When Himanshi lowered her head and saw the shoes, she was filled with delight.

“Wow, they’re awesome!” an assistant said, stepping forward. “Are you familiar with today’s sponsor? Their regular products might be common, but their limited edition ones are very difficult to have. People have to queue up and reserve in advance before getting their hands on them. What’s more, this pair of shoes costs hundred thousand. They are only provided for the red carpet. It’s said that the soles of these shoes are handmade from wild cotton picked from a tall mountain!”

Hearing this, the other assistants all gathered around to take a look at the shoes.

Although the other models conducted themselves with dignity, they couldn’t help but sneak a glance at the shoes from the corner of their eyes.

The income of ordinary models was quite low. Only international supermodels had the kind of income that was comparable to that of superstars. For ordinary models, hundred thousand was a big amount of money.

What was more enviable was Deepak’s thoughtfulness.

Himanshi smiled elegantly.


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