Do you have a crush on me?

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The clothes that Isha and Yuvraj wore were full of vitality and vigor. When they started shooting together, they were funny and playful. There was a trace of youthfulness on their faces.

Isha was about the same age as Himanshi, but she looked younger and more innocent, although she was already a mother. Usually, it was difficult for other women to maintain such a girlish character like she did.

But she was good at learning the characteristics of different people, such as the look in young women’s innocent eyes, and their body movements.

Yuvraj also had a face that could make people ignore his age. With such makeup and clothing, people believed that he was just a high school student. He was full of youthfulness. So their photos together looked very dynamic.

Karan was so satisfied that he used up all of his memory cards.

He had been a photographer of Shang for a long time, but he hadn’t encountered such excellent collaborators who could make him capture such exquisite photos of their every move.

Whether he could take good photos or not unquestionably depended on his own ability, just like a good chef who could make tempting food.

But the best fresh ingredients were the basic requirements in making delicious food, and it could also make the chef do more with less.

Right now, Isha and Yuvraj were the perfect fresh ingredients placed in front of Karan.

Even the fans who were watching around could also see the transformation on Isha. She didn’t usually have a strong aura, but she was really good during the shooting.

The way she moved and the expressions on her face were agile and eye-catching.

Everyone was there to watch Yuvraj. But in the middle of the shooting, half of them were already looking at Isha, and the other half began to imagine that the two of them were a delightful young couple.

Isha did it! She and Yuvraj were so perfect for each other that they looked pleasing to the eye.

Himanshi clenched her fists. Just like the onlookers around, she could clearly see that Isha and Yuvraj’s pictures were far superior to the other models’ pictures, including she and Jay’s.

She and Jay were both a little uptight. They couldn’t do what Isha and Yuvraj did. The two looked really natural and interesting.

The corners of Himanshi’s mouth and eyes had Botox. She did this to remove the lines on her face. But because of this, she couldn’t make too many expressions at will.

Jay, on the other hand, was a real actor. He couldn’t possibly show vitality like Yuvraj. It was totally incompatible with his own characteristics.

Soon, Isha and Yuvraj finished the photo shoot. Tomorrow, they would come back to shoot the short video.

“Isha, Yuvi, you can go home and rest first.” Karan was very satisfied with the photo shoot, and he was in a good mood.

The people around them were also satisfied. It had been a long time since they enjoyed their work. If this happened every day, they could work seven days a week. They wouldn’t even ask for overtime pay.

Lovely walked towards Isha and said, “Isha, you invited Yuvraj. Oh my God!”

“Yes. So don’t worry about my work for the time being.” Isha smiled at her. “But please, don’t use the close relationship between Yuvraj and me as the selling point. Otherwise, we can’t be friends anymore.”

“I understand.” Lovely understood that it was really not easy to invite Yuvraj. She was not stupid to offend him for some talking points.

A large number of fans gathered outside the studio.

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