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"What?"Saylor was too busy looking around the room to hear his question.

"I think someone's a little nervous." the crowd laughs. " I said, that was quite and a dress you wore at the Tribute's parade the other day. Do you want to tell us about it?"
"Well I'm just glad I wasn't wearing a dress made out of fish" she joked. Caesar and the crowd laughed at her joke. Saylor lets out a breath of relief.
"When I saw you wearing that dress... have to say
My heart..,.. stopped. Did any of you experience this as well? And can we talk about this amazing dress?!" Caesar exclaims. "Well, Caesar... I have a special surprise for you." Caesar makes a surprised face "For me? You shouldn't have." Saylor stands up and walks forward. As her eyes roam the crowd, she sees her brother and Baylee. Finnick gives her a smile and Baylee smiles and nods.
Saylor hits the button and starts twirling. Everyone in the room gasps.
As she twirled water droplets fell down her dress. When they reached the bottom of the dress the water collected and swirled around the base of the dress.
"Oh my gosh!! I did not see that coming. You are truly under the sea." Caesar jokes.
Saylor stops spinning and the water disappears.
"Now tell me... how does it feel to wear these dresses?do you feel like a Princess? I know I would." The capitol laughs at Caesar.
"I feel do like a princess," Saylor says lying.
Truthful Saylor didn't like wearing these fancy dresses. She would much rather wear pants.
"And speaking of princesses... does this princess have a prince back home?" Saylor is taken aback by the question. " um... no... I don't." she says, very uncomfortable with the question.
"Well, you guys heard it live! Capitols princess does not have a prince." The crowd cheers loudly and Saylor is stunned by the nickname. "Now sadly our time has come to an end... the capitol wishes you luck!! Saylor Odair everyone!" Everyone in the crowd is cheering her name. Saylor is shocked as she walks off stage.
"The capitol loves you!! " Cecilia says as soon as Saylor walks off stage but Saylor is in a state of shock.
All she could think about was the nickname "Capitols princess" and suddenly she remembered something from when she was younger.

Saylor was sitting on the couch waiting for Finnick to come home. He had been going to the capitol almost every day after his victory tour. And Saylor wanted to go to the beach with him.
When Finnick came home Saylor immediately could tell something was wrong with her brother.
"Finn? Are you ok?" Finnick was about to walk up the stairs to his room when he heard his sister.
He cleared his voice before answering. "Yeah, Sayy... I'm ok" then went to his room. not waiting for a response.
Saylor didn't understand social cues or when to leave her brother alone. She followed her brother upstairs and went into his room without knocking and found him sitting on his bed crying.
Seeing her brother upset she goes up to him and hugs him. Finnicks a whole body froze. "Finn? W-" As soon as spoke Finnick pushed his sister off of him in a panicked state. Saylor fell back and landed on the floor. She looks at her brother with tears in her eyes. Finnick eyes grew big as he realized what he had done. "Mom!!" Saylor got up and ran to her room slamming the door shut.
Their mom had come down the hall from her room.  after hearing her daughter call for her and the door slam. As soon as her mom walked into her room Saylor cried harder and told her mom what happened. "I just wanted to hug him like he hugs me when I am sad and he shoved me to the ground!"
After Saylor calms down. her mother starts to talk.
"You know sweetie... it was very sweet of you to want to comfort your brother... but he might have wanted some space."
"But-" Saylor begins to defend herself.
"Did you knock and ask if it was ok to enter his room?" Saylor shakes her head.
"Well, how about you try that next time ok?" She nods still feeling sorry for herself.
" I'm going to go check on Finnick, ok? Are you going to be ok?" Saylor nods and then goes over to toys.

"I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to push her that hard. I just didn't want her touching me." Finnick explains as soon as his mother walks into his room.
"It's ok Finnick I know... but maybe when you are ready... give her a hug." Finnick nods. "Can I sit next to you?" Finnick scoots over to give his mom some room to sit. "It kills me knowing what they're doing to you and all those teenagers." because he isn't 16 yet he doesn't have to do private sessions. But what he does have to do isn't much better.
"I know Mom... but I have to protect you and Saylor."
"It should be me protecting you two. Not the other way around. " She lets out Her tone full of guilt.
"Well that's what happens when you're the capitols darling." he lets out sadly. Suddenly his mom starts coughing. As she pulls her hand away Finnick sees blood. "Mom?" he asked worried
"I'm ok Finn... how about you go take a shower. I'm sure it will help you feel better," she said while getting up to leave.
Saylor sees her mom walking to the door so she quietly sneaks back to her room.
What is Finnick doing to protect me? She thought.
Saylor learned that she shouldn't hug or touch Finnick once he comes back from the capitol. But she always wondered why.

She was brought back to reality when she felt someone shaking her. Confused she looked around and saw Cecilia and River looking at her. "What happened?" She asked. "You tell us... after you finished your interview you just stood there in shock. Cecilia has been trying to get your attention this whole time." River said very concerned for Saylor.
"I'm fine... where's Finnick?" she asked not seeing her brother. "He's still in the crowd... I'm about to do my interview. But there's a quick add break." he explains. Saylor nods, then walks to her dressing room leaving the two behind.

"Please welcome, River Reeves! River, welcome.
How are you finding the Capitol? Don't say with a map." Caesar laughs at his own joke.
"Uh, it's uh..,.. different. It's very different." River replied.
"Different? In what way? Give us an example."

"Uh okay, well the showers here are weird." Caesar looks at him with curiosity. "We have different showers... Oh, and the beds are a lot more comfortable here. I swear the beds are secretly marshmallows." Caesar and the crowd laugh at his statement. "I do agree with you, are beds are pretty soft... so tell me river. Is there a special girl back home?"River gives an awkward laugh. "No... I don't." Caesar looks at the crowd. "I don't believe that for a second! Do y'all?" he asks the crowd and they all shake their heads and yell no.
"So tell us... I mean this might be your last chance to say something to her." he prompts.
"Well... there is a girl. But I'm positive she doesn't like me back. " The crowd awes in pity.
"I'll tell you what River. You go out there..,.. and you win this thing. And when you get home, she'll have to go out with you. Right folks?" he looks to the crowd and they cheer.
"Thanks but I uh..,.. I don't think winnings gonna help me at all."
"And why not?" he questions River.

"Because she came here with me," River says then looks into the camera.
"Well, that's bad luck," Caesar says
"Yeah. It is." River mumbles and nods his head in agreement.
" I wish you the best of luck... River Reese, everyone!" the crowd cheers, and River walks off stage.
Saylor is in her dressing room staring at the TV.
He joking right? She thinks. Her dressing room door is opened and Baylee walks in. "You killed your interview. Did you hear everyone's reaction to the water effects? My ego was going through the roof."
Baylee rambles as she helps Saylor out of her dress and into another dress for the after party.
Saylor just hums acknowledging her, her mind not in the room as she is still thinking about her and Rivers' interviews.

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