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Saylor got off the train and followed the signs to the pickup section. She knew someone was supposed to pick her up and guide her, but she didn't know who it was. She wanted to ask Coriolanus or Sejanus but she also didn't want to get in trouble or get them in trouble.

Saylor was walking aimlessly about trying to figure out where to go, or what to do. But she had no luck.
Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a blonde woman she did not recognize.
She is beautiful... I love her pink suit. "Saylor?" The woman asked, Saylor nodded.
"Hi, I'm Tigris... I will be guiding you to the party-building and teaching you all of the rules you have to follow... Also, I will be the stylist for you and some of the other girls... So if you want to follow me we can get started." Tigris said then smiled at Saylor.
Saylor gave her a small smile back, but she noticed Tigris also smiling at Coriolanus.
Do they know each other?

"So... You are obviously aware of what your job description is, but we have a few rules and safety stuff we need to go over," Tigris told her while they were walking. "First you need to know is how this works... You will have your own dressing room with a bathroom so you can shower and get ready. The closet is already full of dresses that I have made, and undergarments if you don't have any, but don't worry they are brand new. Any questions so far?" Tigris asked Saylor.

Saylor shakes her head. "Not any that I can think of right now..." She responded. "Great! If you think of any, feel free to ask anytime... So that's pretty much it for prep. Just make sure to wear one of the items in the closet or get it approved by me. I will be looking after all the girls so If you have any issues let me know..." Is Tigris my boss?
"So... You are like my boss?" Saylor asks unsure. "Oh, No... I still have the same job as you. I just took it upon myself to look after everyone. Also, we have a certain dress code that if we don't follow we will get in trouble... And I love designing so I decided to make the dresses so no one will get in trouble." She explained.

Wow, she seems kind... That's a lot for one person.
"But anyways, once you get ready, All the girls enter the party at the same time so people can see what their options are."So like who they can buy? Don't people see how insane this is?
"Your job is to go around and flirt with the guest. I know you might not want to but, If you scope out the right person they actually might treat you like a normal human." hm... so if I play my cards right. I pick the person, Saylor thought.

"During the party, guests can buy you for the night. If multiple people try to buy you, it turns into a bid. The person with the highest bid will be escorted to a private hotel-like room. Then they will wait for you to join them. While they are doing that you will change into a robe and lingerie, and freshen up if you want... But I wouldn't keep them waiting for too long. If they are unhappy with you, They can leave a review and then you will get in trouble..."

They had made it to the party building, And Tigris was showing Saylor around. Tigris had shown Saylor the main room, The private hotel rooms, And now she was leading Saylor to her dressing room. " My dressing room is two doors down... But this is your dressing room." She said while walking into the room.

Saylor walked in and looked around the room. It's Beautiful... She thought. The room was mostly gold and pink. There was a fancy vanity that had a big mirror with gold trim. And there was a fluffy pink rug in the middle of the room.
Right Beside the vanity, There were tall drawers of what she could assume was makeup. And there were shelves of different perfumes. On one of the sides of the room there pink couch with gold details.

"Well, I will leave you to get ready... You have about an hour and a half to get ready. If you have any questions let me know." Saylor turned to Tigris. "I have a question... Do I have to wear makeup? I don't know how to apply it... My stylist Baylee does it for me. "

Before the games, She never wore makeup. Saylor was around 12 when her mother had passed away. So she didn't have anyone to teach her things like makeup. "you don't have to wear a lot of makeup if you don't want to. But you still need to wear some... I can teach and help you if you want me to." Tigris offered, Saylor nodded. "If it's not too much trouble, I would appreciate it," Saylor says. "It's not any trouble at all. ill be back in an hour to help." Tigris told her, Then walked out and closed the door.

Saylor quickly washed her body and then curled her hair. She went over to the closet and Looked through all the dresses. She tried to find the dress with the most coverage.

Saylor was looking at herself in the giant mirror and she hated the way the dress was showing off her shape

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Saylor was looking at herself in the giant mirror and she hated the way the dress was showing off her shape. Her eyes started watering. This was supposed to be a cherished thing between me and my future partner. And now it's being stolen from me. Her breath was starting to get uneven and her hands were getting shaky.
Saylor turned around not being able to look at herself any longer. Thankfully before she could get too deep in her mind there was a knock at her door. "Come in," She let out.
the door opened and Tigris walked in. She was wearing a pretty sparkly dress, with a deep v cut and a high slit. "Hey, I am a little early but I figured that extra time wouldn't hurt." She said while walking into the room. "Ok come have a seat."

After Saylor's makeup was done Tigris and Saylor Started walking to the entrance. When Saylor walked out of the room she noticed that the Peacekeepers were following her. She turned to them. "Are you guys going to keep following me?"She asked them. "We will stand near the doors during the party and then stand outside the hotel door," Coriolanus answered, "Don't worry... the rooms are soundproof," Tigris whispered.

All of them were waiting by the door and Saylor was getting intimated by the others. Most of them were wearing minimal clothing. And they all looked like they knew what they were doing. Tigris showed her a pin that had a Capitol logo on it. "It's so people can know that they can buy or bid on you."She explained then pinned it on her dress.

They started to walk in, Then a woman grabbed Saylor's arm.
"Hey new girl, piece of advice. Wipe the scared look off of your face. Don't look like a scared little girl. Act confident, I've seen you do it. Turn on your Capitol act. Or you will be eaten alive in there." A woman tells Saylor then walks off. Saylor stands there for a second taking in what that lady told her then she walks in with fake confidence.

Saylor was walking around the party trying to see if there was anyone who stuck out to her. There were a lot of older men who were staring at her but she did her best to ignore them. Saylor looked around and saw a younger man walking towards her.

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing alone at a party." He flirted. Saylor cringed on the inside but she flirted back. "Well, I am waiting for a handsome man to come along... I guess my waiting is over." That was painful. I hate this so much. "Would you like to come get a drink with me?" He asked her, I am underage. "I don't drink but would love to accompany you." She responded. "I would love to have your company. My name Is Beau by the way..." He held his hand out for her to hold his. "I am Saylor," She told him then put her hand into his. He brought her hand to his face and kissed the back of her hand. "Nice to meet you, Saylor," He kept holding her hand and guided her over to the bar. As she was following him she looked around the room and saw Coriolanus staring at her with a look she couldn't read.

Sorry this is a really slow burn but trust the process!

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