Dear Diary

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Having "put" Christopher to bed with a spanking, Beth went to her room, leaving the door slightly ajar, but hoping there would be no interruptions from the students of her section. As was her custom, she took her diary off her dresser and, laying on her bed, began entering in her thoughts about the day. She thought about the twins getting spanked that morning, about what happened in the cafeteria during breakfast, about all the day's events, up to and including the bedtime spanking of Christopher. Often, as she wrote in her diary, her thoughts went back to earlier times in her life. This evening was no exception. For whatever reason, she thought of the day when she first spanked a boy that wasn't one of her brothers. It was, she remembered, a bittersweet event.........

"Beth, Jimmy's bedtime is 9:00, sharp. He likes to procrastinate and he will try to extend the time, but please don't allow him to."

It was Beth's first babysitting job, and she was listening to Mrs. Robertson, her neighbor, giving instructions. Jimmy was 12 years old, 5 years younger than her, but Beth didn't think it was strange for Jimmy to be babysat for, as it was the same in her own family in regard to her brothers.

"If he disobeys you, or refuses to go to bed when you tell him to, you have our complete permission to turn him over your knees and give him a good spanking. I know you are familiar with how a spanking is given."

Mrs. Robertson chuckled, knowing very well the truthfulness of that statement. Beth blushed, thinking how true it was, and thinking that her previous experiences with spanking wasn't only on the giving end. Meanwhile, Jimmy blushed at his mom's remarks. He was no stranger to being spanked, but how embarrassing would it be, he thought, to be spanked by a girl only 5 years older than he was. But, she would never spank him, would she?

Mrs. Robertson continued on, telling Beth where they would be, and where the emergency numbers were and also, where the snacks were.

"The other thing we ask, Beth, is to clean up after yourself. Other than that, feel free to read, to watch tv, or even take a nap."

Finishing, the Robertson's said their goodbyes, and left. Not much happened until bedtime, with Jimmy watching TV and Beth, reading. However, as she was warned, Jimmy wasn't anxious to go to bed and when Beth asked him to change into pajamas, he resisted and only grudgingly acceded to her wishes. After changing, Jimmy returned to the living room, still hoping that Beth would allow him some extra time. It wasn't to be, as when 8:55 arrived, Beth told him it was time for bed. Jimmy protested, but Beth refused to bend. Then Jimmy made the mistake of being stubborn about it, perhaps thinking that Beth wouldn't actually spank him. However, when 9:00 came and Jimmy still wouldn't go to bed, Beth got up from the sofa, grabbed Jimmy's right wrist and pulled him toward the armless chair. Jimmy realized that Beth was intending to carry out his parents' directions, and tried to prevent Beth from pulling him over to the chair. However, Beth was too strong for Jimmy, and with one smack across the seat of Jimmy's pajama bottoms, she pulled him over to the chair. She sat down and yanked the protesting boy across her knees. She kept Jimmy across her knees with her left arm, and reached for the waistband of his pajama bottoms.

"NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't take them down.......PLEASE!!!!! You can't do that!!! You're not my mom!!!"

"I may not be your mom, young man, but I can bare your bottom. If you want to, you can complain to your mom about it tomorrow. But this spanking will be on your bare behind. It's not as if I haven't seen your bottom bare before, anyway," thinking of times when Jimmy had been spanked in front of her.

Beth yanked Jimmy's pj's down to his knees, leaving the boy's round backside uncovered. It was true that Beth had seen Jimmy's bare bottom before. Like her own parents, Jimmy's parents didn't hesitate to spank right on the spot and Beth had been a witness to numerous spankings that Jimmy had been on the receiving end.

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