Lost And Found

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It was mid afternoon and Beth was in her room, doing some paperwork. She was interrupted by the sound of insistent knocking on the door. Getting up, Beth went to door and opened it, and at the door was two of her boys, Peter and Chris.

"Miss Ashley, Miss Ashley, we can't find Billy and Bobby!!! No one has seen them!"

"Calm down, boys, are you sure they aren't somewhere that you haven't checked? The field outside, the activity rooms?"

"We checked them all, Miss Ashley!! They aren't there!!" insisted the two boys.

"Ok, let's go downstairs"

Beth left her room and realized the rest of her section, minus the twins, of course, were waiting outside. She assumed that Peter and Chris were elected to get her. Beth and the six boys went down to the reception area, adjacent to the mini-library. Sitting at the desk there was Colleen Donovan, the niece of the headmaster. A junior in high school, she worked afternoons at the school at the reception desk.

"Hi Colleen, have you seen the twins? Nobody can find them."

"No, Miss Ashley, I haven't. Everything has been peaceful here."

"Hmmm, well, that's strange....where could they be?"

Almost in response, a bell rang, indicating that someone was at the door. Colleen got up to see who was there, and Beth heard Colleen exclaim out.

"OH MY!!!"

Beth went out to the door to see what Colleen was excited by and she was shocked by what she saw. It was the twins, with a policewoman in tow. The two boys looked scared, a condition which was appropriate.

"Are these boys yours?"

"Oh, yes, they are, they are two of the boys in my section. I was told a short time ago that they were not to be found."

"I found them all right, near the river. It is not a good place to be, it's off-limits and not safe at all."

"They are not supposed to be off school grounds, officer. I don't know how they managed it, but I will find out."

"Good. I also hope you impress on them how much they endangered themselves."

Beth looked at the two boys, who shrunk down as Beth "stared daggers" at them.

"I can assure you, officer, that I will IMPRESS on them the danger they put themselves into and that I won't stand for it. Although, I can tell you that they will have to stand after they are dealt with."

The two boys blushed and looked down as they heard their housemother tell the policewoman that they would be spanked.

The policewoman smiled, "Good, that's exactly what they deserve! There are nothing like a good old-fashioned spanking to remind a naughty boy or, in this case, naughty boys, to behave. I'll leave them to you."

Leaving the boys with Beth, the policewoman left. Beth, still wondering how the boys left the school, turned to Colleen, "I don't understand, Colleen, how this happened. Were you away from your desk?"



"I...I guess......I had to go to the restroom."

"You had to go to the bathroom? You had to go the bathroom and you left the desk untended?"

"Well, it was only a for a moment."

"It was long enough for these two to leave! You know better than that, Colleen. You know that you are never to leave the desk untended. You get someone to cover for you WHENEVER you need to use the bathroom or whenever you need to leave the desk. Your aunt will not be very happy about this, you know that?"

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