Out of Control

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Magnifico: See, many wishes that I have kept for a long time are suddenly granted...without my consent.

Asha: How grave is it?

Magnifico: If I would rate it out of 10, it would be a 6.

Asha: May I know more about the problem?

Magnifico: Okay then. Here are some cases of illegal wishes.

Asha reads the scrolls, which took her a while. She learns about someone who was able to circumnavigate the realm, like what he wished. Also, there was another person that was able to become a knight as per her wish, and so on.

Asha: Wait. None of them used magic. Would it not be illegal?

Magnifico: I think you already know that only I can do that.

He looks up at the ceiling, where all the orbs of dreams, hopes, and wishes of the people were kept.

Asha: Yes, that's the Republic Act 0004.

Magnifico: What concerns me is that if people learn that they can pursue their wishes even if they gave them up during a wish ceremony, bad people would use this to their advantage. Nobody wants that, right Asha?

Asha: But all the cases lately don't affect anyone or anything negatively. It's actually the opposite. We just need to regulate them, Your Highness; that would be a problem solved (optimistic, but serious).

Magnifico: Well, truth be told, yes, these cases are fine for me. But the law is still the law, and not all wishes must be granted. Plus, these wishes have been shining brighter lately than ever before; they even scorch my skin.

Asha: That seems like a bad sign...as if...they're going out of control (concerned).

Magnifico: Exactly. Which is why I am delving on it more before it worsens (determined).

Asha: However, with all due respect, I think it's not bad that our people will pursue their own dreams (remaining optimistic in a serious tone).

Magnifico: Are you questioning how I take care of my nation (stern)?

Asha: No. It isn't what I meant. I truly mean nothing bad, but I don't see anything wrong with it. And there are other laws that can forbid certain people to pursue their wishes and work on them if the wish is not good (rational).

Magnifico: Rosas would never prosper without this, without me (shows the wish orbs at the ceiling) ! In fact, the very magic of wishes and me trying to not repeat history were my reasons why I founded this place (angry)!

Asha: Your Highness, yes, magic has helped us for years. However, I just wanna say that maybe we will progress more if we let people have the right to pursue them and not completely depend on you—

Magnifico: I DECIDE WHO WILL HAVE THEIR WISHES GRANTED, HOW IT IS GRANTED, WHEN IT WILL BE, AND WHERE IT WILL BE! Had it not been for me, your grandfather would have no place to live in for his retirement. You would not be an assistant without my wish granting ability. So instead of criticizing my authority, just help out solving this nuisance of a predicament, or LEAVE!

She was horrified as the king raised his tone. Her body froze, even though her mind wants her to run away.

Asha: I-I...fine. But I'd still want to solve the problem, Your Highness (ashamed).

Magnifico: Today, you disappoint me, Asha. First, you were late, then the second time, you do this. Because of your misconduct, I will only give you a short amount of time to find an answer to our issue right now. By tomorrow morning, I'll need a report, right when I wake up on my bed (strict).

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