Mother Knows Best

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Stell: This dude we have to meet is named Garciano.

Asha: Oh, well, where can we find him?

Stell: Actually, from my list, he's in a frowned upon place.

Asha: What do you mean?


Yellow lights brightened the brown establishment cluttered with tables, people, bottles, and money bags.

Stell: (pinches his nose) this place reeks of something weird.

Asha: Magia. It's a drink that can intoxicate anyone that consumes it excessively.

Valentino sees buff men with bushy beards and arched eyebrows, which made him quite scared. He hid under Asha's dress, terrified of the men.

The trio finally saw Garciano, who was arguing with another person.

Garciano: Hasser! I played this thing fair and square, therefore, you must pay me tenfold of my betting money!

Hasser: You secretly replaced the cards just for you to win! I witnessed it.

Garciano: Lies! It was there the whole time. Shut your mouth, old miser!

Referee: Apparently, I saw no foul play with the gamble. But since you are tied, and only one must stand the winner, I think you should settle this with—

Hasser: Arm wrestling!

All the spectators laughed at Garciano, who suddenly started sweating.

Referee: But Mr. Garciano is unfit to wrestle as his strongest arm was dislocated a few days ago. Wouldn't it be unfair?

The men laughed again, thinking that Hasser wins the gamble.


Everyone looked at the trio. Asha was baffled, while Valentino kept hiding.


Hasser: You think you can defeat me, scrawny boy?

Asha: Stell, look at that guy. His muscles are bulging; he might as well flatten you like a discus.

Stell: Trust me (winks at Asha).

He went to the table, sat down in front of it, and held the hand of his opponent.

Hasser had a look of confidence as if he did this many times before and came victorious, but Stell seemingly thought of something. Asha sensed it's something unusual.


Hasser (mind): This boy...he—he—

Stell: Whoa. You're so resilient, Sir.

Hasser could no longer keep his patience, as Stell managed to hold his own for a long time. His arm was too tired from forcing Stell's to go down, so eventually, he let go.

Referee: We clearly have a winner, Garciano and his volunteer!

All the men were just bewildred. Their champion, defeated by a teen-looking guy, just caught them off guard. Now Hasser had to pay his wager.

Garciano: Well, thanks kiddo. How can I repay you? Magia? Money?

Stell: No. My..."friend" and I would like to talk to you.


The trio went to an alleyway nearby the tavern to directly ask the drunken man.

Garciano: I truly desire to be rich! Very rich!

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