17. Investigation

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Errikos was playing with the boys when Tat came in looking worried wringing the bottom of his shirt the twins noticed him first making Errikos turn around after putting the dried paintings up on the wall in the play room

"Tat what's wrong?"

"Master Errikos I is sorry but Minister is here with Aurors sir they is asking for you and young masters as well they say it important Tit is watching them"

"Thank you Tat for that I'll be down in a minute thank you for telling me" he walked to the boys when Tat left and bent down to them

"Ok boys we're going to meet the Minister and some Aurors who are the Magical police here ok I want you to be on your best behaviour ok nothing will happen to you I promise you that don't worry ok, you can stay with me the whole time ok"

Both nodded and took his hands as he walked downstairs to meet the Minister of Magic Nobby Leach

In the parlour there were 3 Aurors waiting there standing behind the chair that Nobby was sitting in they were looking around and found many things that the other 28 families could only imagine of having everything was part of the four founders as well as the insignia of the Peverell family they didn't notice when Errikos came in with the boys

"Ah what have I done to have a visit from the Ministry of Magic himself?" said Errikos as he stood there the boys hiding behind him you could see their dark hair from behind his cloak

"Ah what have I done to have a visit from the Ministry of Magic himself?" said Errikos as he stood there the boys hiding behind him you could see their dark hair from behind his cloak

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Nobby looked up when he heard someone speak

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Nobby looked up when he heard someone speak

"Ah Lord Peverell-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin thank you for seeing me like this I am sorry for interrupting you with this but we have evidence that you kidnapped the children are behind you"

"Well Minister I would live to know who gave you this so called evidence that you have as I have my own" he held his hand out and a thick folder flew into his hand "you see dear sir I have my own evidence that I adopted my son's from a Muggle orphanage this pass Samhaim night" he sat down and both boys sat curled into him

Solomon appeared on Errikos' head right where the white streak of hair was and hissed slightly making both boys giggle

"Solomon don't be rude to the Minister and boys don't repeat what he says"

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