24. Orion Black POV

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I was in my office yet again and looking over paperwork on the Wizengamot and I had to admit how Lord Peverell put that idiot Dumbledore in his play was interesting to say the least I didn't think anyone would be able to put that man in his place as long as I lived and here I was at 36 bloody years old I had witnessed the impossible, I smirked to myself at the memory and I was also trying to keep away from that blasted bitch that I was forced to marry and have children with, I love my boys with all of my heart but the women....

No can't stand her one bit!

Four years older than me from the damn brunch family side of all things I would of preferred to marry someone else other than her!!

Alas I'm stuck with that bitch to say the least

Why did I let my father agree with uncle Pollux about marrying me and Walburga of all things I hated her since I was a child she was so demanding and bloody well stuck up more than any of the family members but no father thought it would be great for the family keep it within the family and all that and look what's happened...

...my own son's are afraid of their very own mother, they've watched her de-head the House Elves and put them put on spikes saying that if they disobey her the same thing would happen to them...

...I'm scared for myself and my son's but the blasted contract is iron clad tight and father won't let it go....

I look up as I hear my son's Sirius Orion Black III my heir, my spunky little fire cracker of 6 years old play with his little brother Regulus Arcturus Black my adorable baby boy of 4 play together...

Well they're running around the house it seems as I can hear the bitch shouting at them just then Kreature my oh so faithful House Elf popped in

"Mistress wants Master to stop young Master's from running around"

"Kreature who's orders do you follow?" asked Orion to the Elf

"Kreature serves Master like Kreature should"

"What I mean Kreature is who is Head of this Family? I know my father is Head of the Black family as he comes from the Main brunch but still.... I married my 1st cousin!"

"Kreature is sorry Master Orion"

"Go away with you tell my sons to play outside so not to annoy their mother" I sighed as I pinch myself between my eyes a headache was forming and it wasn't due to the boys playing

I get up and leave my office only to hear the bitch shouting at Sirius for who knows what... it was then I heard something I didn't want to hear .....

'Slap' my blood ran cold no she couldn't could she she wouldn't hit her own child....

'Thud' no no no she couldn't of hit him that hard to fall over not him please don't hit Regulus as well!!

I ran to around the corner to see Walburga ready to hit Sirius again smiling

"Don't you dare Wally! leave our son's alone!"

"The boy isn't listening to what I say!"

"That doesn't mean you can bloody hell hit him he's six! Reggie is only four! who is Merlin's name gave you permission to hit our children like that" I spotted the red mark of Sirius' face I was going to lose my temper at her but first I had to get her away from the boys

I called Kreature "take the boys upstairs to Reggie's room for now and put some bruise cream on Sirius face and check then both over for any other damages I want you to report to me everything you find"

"Very well master, come along young Master's Kreature will help you"

I turn on the bitch I call a wife with so much hatred in my eyes as I could muster before I slapped her across the face sending her flying to the floor her mouth agape at the shock

"Not so funny when it's you getting hit is it Wally? how do you think our son felt when you hit him like that?! or better yet hex him for being a child? not going better at his studies? not living up to the Black Family?! I don't care but if you land one hand or have someone else be it witch/wizard/elf/creature ect I will throw you out so I make myself clear!

You keep doing this and one or maybe both our sons will hate us for what we've done to them and I don't want that I can tell you now Wally that you have one chance and one chance alone not to hurt my son's who mean the world to me

Screw the marriage contract that I was forced to sign the very day our parents... our father's forced us into an arranged marriage I didn't want anything like this for me but alas here we are...." I turn around and leave the cow there still on the floor in shock

I bellowed for Kreature and he came right away "don't give Walburga anything to help her recover her face is bruising and I want everyone to know what she to deserve it... better yet put all the medical potions into my office and I'll see to the rest"

He nodded and popped away only to return with what I requested which I was pleased with

"Kreature how are the boys?"

"Young master Sirius is bruised in many places seems Mistress made sure to hurt him where clothes can be worn to hide everything, he has had a broken bone in the last few months Kreature healed Young Master though

He is scared Master and so is Young Master Regulus he will not be coming out of his room he said that Mistress was mean and that Young Master Sirius was standing up to Mistress as she was going to hit Young Master Regulus"

"Thank you Kreature for that please log everything down if I can I will try and get out of this marriage do to neglect and violence if I can save my boys from the abuse of their mother so be it father and uncle be damned my children are more important than them combined"

I was so annoyed that I didn't think something like this would come about yes father hit me but nothing like I had seen just now

How could I be so blind to what was happening right in front of me...

Oh yes I was busy with working... the Wizengamot and trying to take over from my father as family head as well as raise my two sons...

I don't know what to do anymore

I want to leave this stupid marriage but I'm stuck unless....

The contract there has to be something in it that will make the whole damn thing void! that has to be it there has to be somewhere in that blasted thing if only I could find it and check and I knew where it was

Father's study!!

Orion Lycoris Black

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Orion Lycoris Black

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