Prologue 3

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"Why can't the gods give me what I want for once? why can't they let me die in peace?"




"She can't die, she can't"




"I am sorry sir, we couldn't save your wife and the baby"




baby? A baby?


🎉🎉 finally! we have our third teaser 🎉🎉

I know, I know, I promised we'll have a cheerful one but hey, isn't it a little bit less depressing? *nervous smile*

on a good note, I want to change the protagonist's name and in case you all have suggestions then please let me know in the comments or you can also directly contact me- I'm always available to chat about the story

okay, so this is it for the third installment of trauma for you guys, I promise the next one will for sure be a bit more cheerful, so add the story to your library to not miss out on the update!

see ya!

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