"Pulling through it"

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Eileen woke up at the sound of her alarm, knowing that today wouldn't be a good day by the smell of smoke around the apartment. It was a small apartment. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, and one small kitchen. Only the needed to survive.
At least she could still eat and have decent clothing. She always thought.

She gets up her bed, reaching for her shoes and getting some clothes from her wardrobe. Getting in  the bathroom, she heard some screaming in the bedroom, followed by some crying sound. Daddy's home.

Trying to ignore the screaming and annoyed voice, Ellie started brushing her teeth until the door suddenly opened, showing her father. Her eyes widened with the surprise. He was not supposed to do this. I mean, he doesn't even live here, or pays for the bills, or cares for the people who live in it. He only wants to abuse them. In all the possible ways. Ellie knew it. And she hated it.

" Hurry up, Evelyn. And leave the door opened." Her father, Shawn, shouts, and the girl rolls her eyes, trying not to say anything that could harm her or other people she
loved " My name is not Evelyn, if you didn't pay enough attention while writing it down on my birth certificate." She says rough, causing Shawn to step up, holding the girl's arm and pushing her to the wall in a fast move."You think you're smart, don't you? Do you wanna know what happens to smart-ass kids?" Shawn shouts again, smirking close to her face, as she quietly says no

By now, she could tell what was happening. Shawn got drunk in a random bar and didn't have a place to stay. After a radom woman he made out with didn't want him to stay any longer. Well, understendable. He had never spent enough time with his kids since, well, since they were born. They just acted like it was normal while others were watching, but Ellie never really told anyone the hell she was going through.

When her father leaves the bathroom, luckily she had already changed her clothes, so after one more look on the dirty mirror, she goes to the bedroom, finding her little brother, he held in to an old blanket that was their mom's.
Their eyes met, and the older sister sat down with her baby brother.

" Ellie. Is mom ever gonna be okay again?" Anthony asked his sister in a pout." Dad doesn't like me, i guess, but mom...i miss her, " he continues, starting to sob as he holds their little sister, Ava. That always breaks Ellie's heart. " She will get better soon, buddy... just give it some time. We're going pull through it."  she said, but they've been giving it some time for the past three years

With a hug, she said bye to Anthony and left a kiss on Ava's forehead so she could get in school on time. She walked past some shitty food shops, who sell bad food and, sometimes, drugs, then get into a better part of the city who never sleeps.

She was a 16 year old female, walking down the streets of New York all by herself. And she was used to it, except by her friend, Milo, who always meets her crossing the streets of his apartment.
Milo was kind of a richie. Well, a druggie boy, but richie. But he was her best friend, even though that means to get some wallets on the way to school. Milo thought she did this for fun, not to actually survive with it.

As they arrived in school, the bell was heard, telling them to go for their first class. Math for Ellie. The worst of all the subjects.
The classes went by really slow. It looked like lunch would never be real.

As she walked out of the classroom, she heard someone, so she turned to the voice. Ms. Green. The headmistress.

" Miss Martin, i think that we should talk a bit. Why don't you come to my office?" thinking of everything she's ever done wrong in her life, she gets in the office " So, Eileen, Some of your teachers and I think you should get more involved into school events, to even help you with home issues and things like that, besides, it is a great thing to get distracted by. You've been kinda far from school through the past years..." Before the headmistress could continue, Ellie interrupted her." That's bullshit, " she wispered to herself." Excuse me, Miss Martin? Anyways, the school counselor decided to get you into theater. They think you have great potential."

Without any chance to say no, the bell rang, telling her to go back to class. " The theater club will be waiting for you at 3 pm of today, Eileen. I really hope you have fun." And that was it. She had to go. But, i mean, does she? Although, she could really use some time away from home, just to clear her thoughts.


The rest of the day went by fast and easy, except by the unumerous calls ringing in her phone, which, apparently, were from her chief at the restaurant she worked on on weekends.

" Hello, mister Huxley." She pretended a friendly voice, receiving a not much friendly voice from the other side of the line. She was fired. From another job. This couldn't be happening. How will she get food in the table if her mom is sick, her brother and sister can't work, and her dad is an asshole?
Her breath got heavy and fast as her heart seemed to be in her throut.

" Miss Martin? We're waiting for you on the school theater." She heard a female voice calling her, not really paying attention to her current state.

She swallows her sobs and gets in the school theater. The teacher gives them some lines to warm up and tells them to memorize it so they can perform it later.
Her line was about a problematic teen whose parents didn't care for her. Is this a joke? She thought. Even though she was feeling kind of unconfortable with the theme, she memorized her lines, waiting to get on stage.

Soon, it was her turn. She stepped over the stage, seeing some people up on the last row. Weird, she thought, but ignored it.

The lines came out of her mouth with feelings she didn't even know that were inside her, surprising herself and the others in that big and until a couple of minutes ago, unknown, room. As she finished it, she received a round of applause.

For the rest of the performances, she zoned out and didn't hear when they were supposed to go out.

" Excuse me, you are Eileen Martin, right?" She heard someone say behind her and nodded." i'd like to speak to you. " The man says as she follows him, suspisciously

" How long have you been in theater? Your performance was incredible! So, if you agree, I'd like to take you to a possible acting job. " In her head, a job meant money, so she would take it. She needed to take it.

" For kinda long, actually." she said, trying to look confident." i would love to hear more about it. " The man nodded, and they started talking about a new project. It was big, apparently, which made her really excited.

She was pulling through it.

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