"What If"

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  The bathroom floor is cold, and it is not very welcoming to sleep at.

I get up, gently putting the two asleep children in other positions so I can get ready to school.

I put some oversized jeans and a white band shirt, matching it with my converse. Honestly, I can barely see the 'converse' symbol on it. Lastly, I throw on my leather jacket.

I wake  Anthony up and start to get Ava dressed up while their yawning in tiredness, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Is the school cafeteria opened by now?" I ask Anthony, and he nods. "Okay, so you'll have to buy something for you and Ava eat. We need to go to the grocery store after school." He smiles in agreement as I pass him some money that was in my bag.

We leave the building sleepy, while Ava sings a song she learned at school.

"Can we go to the park after school? Pleaaaase." Ava begs, almost throwing herself on the floor. I push her up, and she puts her hand on her hips, looking at me with some sass.

"We'll see." I simply answer. I love this kid, but sometimes go gets on my nerves. She complains, but I ignore her.

We get into their school, and I can see Ava's eyes jumping in excitement when she sees her friends playing at the school patio. I kiss their forehead, and they head to the building.

"Don't forget to have something for breakfast!" I yell to them, who are running through the patio

As I watch them getting safe at school, I let a sigh and start heading to my school. I walk, looking at my feet moving and making the way to the next boring hours.

Where I am right now is very crowded. I put my hand in my pockets. No money. Great. I'm really hungry. I don't eat anything in about 12 hours. I'm not proud of it, but I need some money to eat. Plus, New York is full of millionaires, so it won't be missed.

I'm crossing a street full of  people, so I guess now it is time to do it. I pretend to bump at someone's arm, and as soon as they look, I go to their other side and get something in their pockets.

I'm lucky, apparently. 50 dollars. Wow. I hear a voice behind me, so I start walking faster until I see the school.

My heart is beating fast, and my breath is fast as I feel the adrenaline on my veins. I'm not quite fast or smart enough to be doing this.

The classes go by painfully slow. I talked to Milo at lunch (in which I thankfully got to eat), and through the classes, I chatted with some randos, too. I'm not the excluded kid at school, but I'm not popular, though.

"Martin." I hear someone calling me in the middle of art class. It's Claire. She's an old...friend. She had left school for a couple of months, but, apparently, she's back. "Wanna talk after school?" I thought for a second, thinking about an excuse. I have the best excuse in the world. I'm in a movie. Although, I can't tell her that.

"I-I can't. I have work." Yeah, that's what I came out with. I'm embarrassed. She furrowed her brows, and nervously, I bit my lower lip.

"I already came to your work before. You know... There's always a private place to chill afterward, right?" She smirked, and I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned red. I decided that ignoring her was the best option.

I heard the bell ringing, signing it was time to go to work.

I leave fast, since I was short of time and had to go walking. It isn't that far. It is like a 15-minute walk.

I put my earbuds on, starting to play some Beyoncé. Hot. The clouds are starting to get dark, so I mentally pray that they don't decide to start pouring over my head.

Luckily, I got dry to the set. Some people are moving side to side of the area. It has more people today.

I'm supposed to leave my bag at the trailer and head to the building set so I can try on my costumes, and that's what I do. I grab my phone and head to the to the big building.

There are voices going on, so I decided to stay as quiet as possible until I can find Michelle.


I just got into the set building, so now I am talking to Scarlett. She's telling me something about Rose, which, as much as I tried to pay attention to her, I couldn't help but think of a couple of things.

First. Ashley was telling me about those kids she let in the house to use the bathroom. She said they were polite and cute. I wish I could have met them.

Second. The kid I'm meeting today here at work. Eileen, I guess. It's a beautiful, sweet name.

Third. My money. Not that I needed that money much, but have it stolen for me wasn't what I was expecting for this morning. I couldn't see the person's face, although I'm pretty sure it was a girl with a leather jacket or something like this. Teens these days. Can't totally judge them, though. I have a privileged life. I've always had.

"Lizzie? You're good? You seem kinda distracted." Scar point out. She always knows ot, it's incredible

"Just thinking about something that are happening. Nothing important. Oh, and when am I meeting Eileen?" I tell her, not really wanting to talk about it.

"She should be here soon. Michelle must know better, though." Scarlett let me know

We keep chatting for a bit, until we get our names called to a make-up and costume test.

The make-up trailer is pretty big amd it fits around 5 actors plus their makeup artists.
I greet who's already there, but me eyes catch something else.

The last chair if the row has a leather jacket places on it. Great, everything will remind me of this.

"Lizzie, hi. I'd like you to meet Eileen." I hear Michelle saying behind me.

I grow a smile on my face, turning to face them. " Hi, sweetie, I'm Lizzie. I was excited to meet you!" I greet her.

" H-hi, I'm uhm, Eileen..." She answers uncomfortably. I give her a reassuring smile, hoping it could ease her nerves. I know how bad it is to be anxious at work when not knowing anyone.

The make-up artists call all of us to the chairs. I head to mine, getting confortable enough on it. I turn my head to Eileen, to check on her. She grabs the jacket, holding against her chest, almost like trying to hide it.

The image of the robbery earlier comes to my mind. What if? Wait, no. I shouldn't be thinking it about her.

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