"We'll go to work with you"

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Ashley and I stared at each other, talking through the eyes. Scarlett, on the other side, looked at us, confused by the tension. I knew that sooner or later, I'd probably tell Scarlett the whole story, but the time is not now. Plus, Rose is in the car, too, and children tell things out to everyone.

To be honest, today we were going to a girls' day! Me, Scar, Ashley, and Rose. Mary Kate was supposed to come too, but she had some things to do.

"So, is anyone telling me what is happening?" Scarlett asked us, a tiny bit of sarcasm in her voice. I shook my head and smiled.

"I'll tell you later..." I told her, mimicking to the energetic child in the back seat. Scar nodded and chuckled. I could tell she was curious.


We just got home, and like a magic trick, Ava started feeling ill again.

"My tummy hurts." She whined at me, making grabby arms

"We'll work that out, baby. Just give me a minute." I told her while unlocking the door. I turned to grab her in my arms, but instead, Anthony had her in his arms, caressing her back softly. Seeing how he was finding it hard to hold the kid, I smiled at him, thanked him, and held Ava in my arms.

I placed Avey on the couch and kissed her forehead before going to Anthony and messing with his hair, making him grin.

"I'll go look for some meds. I'll be back soon." I told them and made my way to the kitchen.

There isn't much in the kitchen, but for some reason, medication is abundant in our kitchen. I stare at the meds cabinet, looking for a pain killer. Another hard thing to do is getting Ava to have the medicine. She doesn't take pills. I exhale the air held in my lungs, trying to think. I grab a pack of ibuprofen and a jelly candy. That could be an idea.

"Here baby, take this." I give her the pill with a glass of water. Ava stares at me, distressed.

"Look, if you take your, I'll take mine. See?" I declare, showing her the candy, pretending it's medicine. Anthony looks at me with widen eyes.

"But..." He states, and I look at him, warning him not to say anything.

Ava reluctantly nods, and we both put the pill and candy, respectively, in our mouths. She coughs a bit, trying to swallow the pill.

"Hey, you got it!" I tell her, hugging her by the side.

"I did it!" She says excited, making us laugh. "Ellie." She calls me, looking in my eyes

"What is it, Bee?"

"When can we see Rose, Scarlett, and Elizabeth again?" She asks me, hoping that it's soon.

I open my mouth to say something, but I don't really know what to say.

"Uhm, I...I don't know, Avey. Maybe soon." I give her a doubting answer. She smiles, happy enough with the answer.


We just got in Scarlett's house. It's the end of the day already, and we're all tired. My muscles are sore, and I'm sure Scar's and my sister's are too. Rose, on the other hand, has already fallen asleep in the car, so Scarlett is tucking her in the bed.

We're stretched on the couch when my co-star comes from upstairs, sitting by us.

"So, now you're telling me?" She questioned, lifting an eyebrow.

"Alright." Ashley tells."Go ahead, Lizzie." She throws it at me. I look at her, perplexed, but start speaking.

"Well, it's quite a long story...." I stop, taking a deep breath, but continue. "Ashley told me that a couple of days ago, some children asked if they could use her bathroom because their little sister really needed it." I chuckled."She told me about the kids and how polite their were. Then, I-uhm found Eileen at the set's bathroom." I decide to cover that part for her. She would tell them if she wanted to, and I was good with it.

"I entered in the bathroom and accepted scared her, and while I was trying to calm her down, I used like a pet name. Apparently, she's not a big fan of that specific word..." I told them, careful not to expose the teen more than I already was.

"darling." Scar mumbled, remembering the word she used in the car to talk to her.

I nodded and inhaled, wondering what to do.

"Is she going to the set tomorrow?" I bolt, having an idea in mind. Scar looked up, thinking for a second, then answering me.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Great. We could talk to her more tomorrow. Maybe welcome her more into the team." I smile, mimicking my hands, excited.


Last night was extremely stressful. We ate some frozen pizza I found at the freezer, took a shower, and went to sleep. By that, I mean that we went to sleep, and two hours later, I woke up by Ava's cries and whimpers.

She had a fever, and I didn't know what to do. The medicine was supposed to still be working. That in mind, I just cuddled her until she felt more comfortable and slept. I, on the other hand, had two more hours of sleep.

Now it's seven am. I woke Anthony up and checked on Ava, who was still half asleep, and for my luck, she still had a fever. That's just great.

"Good morning, Avey." I sooth her hair, waiting for her to wake up better. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, having a cry in response.

"I guess that answers my question." I mumbled. "What do we do?" I repeated to myself. I have work, and I don't think I can send Ava to school like this. I even thought about Anthony taking care of her until I came back from work, but that's just bad.

"We could go to work with you." Anthony suggested with a cheeky smile.

"Well, I don't think that's... I mean, I- I don't know. I don't think I can do that." I ramble, not wanting to take the idea.

"I mean, isn't that our only option?" He asks me. That's one of the only times that he's not on my side. It must be for a good reason.

I take a deep breath and answer.

"Alright. We can try." I tell them. Ava jumped out of bed.

"We'll go to work with you!" The child exclaimed, already trying to dress up, failing miserably.

Hey! What do you think?
What will happen when the three Martin kids go to the Marvel set?

Hope ya'll are liking it!
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Wordcount: 1100
Not proofread

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