Age ranges

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The age some slips into when in little space is usually dependent on the person and is unique to everyone <33

0-1 year old
•often nonverbal or minimal speech that is hard to distinguish
•may require a diaper(depending on the little)
•pacifiers are a must
•uses a bottle
•extremely messing little
•very dependent on CG
•trouble with more solid foods, prefers less solid
•may crawl or have trouble walking
•prone to tantrums
• T e e t h e r s✨
•needs naps

2 years old
•more verbal but always uses baby talk
•can walk but may still have some trouble
•dependent on CG but less than 0-1 year old
•grabby hands used to put things in mouth
•still tends to use a pacifier
•can eat most if not all solid foods
•may still wear diapers
•very much a needier age, and may seek constant attention
•may also carry around a comfort item(ei. Blank or toy, etc)
•naps are required

3 years old
•can walk just fine on their own
•eats anything and everything(even stuff that inst meant to be eaten)
•bottles or sippy cups
•grabby hands used to touch EVERYTHING
•can form coherent sentences but lacks vocab and punctuation(still baby talking)
•potty trained at this point, may choose to wear diapers though
•often fascinated with animals
•loves to play with CG
•can be very fussy
•may be prone to tantrums
•takes naps often
•often still uses a pacifier

4 years old
•usually no more diapers
•may use a pacifier occasionally
•fully potty trained
•good talker, in fact they may talk a lot
•uses sippies
•can be more bratty
•tantrums are still a thing
•not as dependent on CG for basic things
•can be more creative and may take up coloring or drawing
•may take less naps now, but naps on occasion
•taken an interest in tv at this point

5 years old
•dry pants! Let's go!
•creative and often found coloring/drawing
•loves the tv
•uses sippies
•can be bratty
•toys are suddenly a big interest
•is often hyper and energetic
•may choose to nap
•can be better behaved
•speech is well formed as they are likely learning to read!
•can be picky eaters
•fascinated by ✨e v e r t h i n g✨

6 years old
•accidents are unheard of
•likely had gotten into some child friendly fandoms (Star Wars, Mlp, Harry Potter, etc)
•no baby talk, but maybe a slight lisp or speech impediment
•graduated to reguale water bottles or glasses instead of sippies
•either very naughty or an angel, no inbetween
•can read and write okay
•may have a love of toys, dolls, or plushies

7 years old
•only uses water bottles
•thinks and acts like they are older even though they aren't
•can still be bratty
•can sit through movies just fine
•tantrums are rare
•less clingy than younger ages
•may start an interest in sports or athletics
•may start to become interested in video games
•can endure long outings without a lot of fuss

Every little is different, and some may not have a defined age range or age that they regress to, and that is perfectly valid! Though I don't regress younger than 4 I have a very big thing about chewing on things and I would love to use a pacifier!

A Guide: Ageregression Where stories live. Discover now