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There will be a total of three groups in the club. All the books will be divided equally into three groups, and each group will have a separate admin, to whom you will be reported by the end of an assignment.

▪ The three groups are Iolite, Kunzite & Zircon.

The duration of an assignment will be ten days. You will have to finish your provided work in eight days. The leftover two days are for you to reflect on the feedback you have received and improve your work, and for us to prepare for the next assignment.

▪ Members have to read two chapters from their assigned partner's work and leave at least three inline comments and one detailed comment (4+ lines). You can, of course, comment more than three if you want.

▪ In case your partner's work has a prologue, you will be reading the prologue & the first chapter of that book. In case there is no prologue, then chapters 1 & 2. Prologues under 500 words won't count towards chapter or assignment.

▪ You ought to pass a trial task before we finalize your name as a member. During the trial period, you will be reading and leaving comments on one chapter of one of the stories from the book club manager or admins. This is to ensure that you'll be able to give helpful feedback.

▪ Keep in mind that your comments need to be helpful and not hateful. If you feel something wrong with your partner's work, point it out with kindness. Don't go around dropping comments as: "wtf is this? You need to write better." These types of comments are unacceptable.

▪ Instead of dragging someone's work down, focus on pointing their mistakes. You need maintain balance of positive and negative elements in your comments.

▪ Make sure to be specific in your comments. Don't leave comments where you might confuse your partner.

▪ We encourage the members to follow their partners, and maintain a friendly and communicative environment.

▪ If you and your weekly partner mutually decide to read each other's work, there is a provision of Permanent pairing. In such case, all you have to do is notify the book club manager and you both will be paired for as long as you both want.

▪ Your book must be in English.

▪ In case a member misses an assignment, we will notify them and wait for the next two rounds for them to catch up with the pending work before they are removed from the book club.



>> Inline:-

Unaccepted:- "Cool. Nice line." or "It was rough to read. Too many mistakes. Work on it."

Accepted:- "This is a beautifully written paragraph. I liked how you showed the inner struggle of the main lead. However, you can remove the comma from the last line as it feels unnecessary here.

♛ password 1 is any meaningful word starting with the first letter of your name. This is placed randomly here to ensure that you've read everything properly. ♛

>> Overall:-


This was a fine chapter.
I loved your characters.
But you need to edit the mistakes.
Also, it was a long chapter.
You should break the lines into different paragraphs.
Keep it up.


I have mixed feelings after reading this chapter. I can see that the writer has put genuine efforts into making their characters lively. Dialogue writing is your strong point. However, you can work a bit on the grammar portion as you have overdone the commas and ellipses. Also, after the paragraph about the female lead's sudden disappearance, the next few lines are jumbled. You can try to break them down into separate lines for a neat read. After slight editing, this could be a great read. Keep up the great work!

#ERBC: Esthetíque Royal Book Club

#ERBC is to be added overall (final) comment only, not in inline comments. You can however add the tag in inline comments too - totally your choice. 

Adding #ERBC in overall comment is mandatory.

♛ password 2 is any place you wish to visit.

▪ Once you have finished your assignment, comment inline by the bottom of your group in this format:-

"Done reading chapters 1, 2 & 3 of 'book's name'. @/ your group's admin."

▪ Keep in mind that you have to provide helpful feedback. Don't comment rudely or attack a writer for their mistakes. We all are here to learn and grow. Help each other to tackle the mistakes and shine.


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