chapter three

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NOW HERE I WAS, STANDING IN A FUCKING MANSION, is manor and mansion the same thing? I don't have a clue, I've never been rich before.

Dick and Tim were giving me a small tour of the manor, small is a huge understatement because this place is absolutely humongous. They showed me around the long hallways and we peaked into a few of the many guest rooms. When we entered the library, I fell in love. There were so many books, and it was so spacious in there.

Currently we were passing by Bruce's office, deep into a conversation about Gotham's polluted waters. I honestly have no idea how we got onto this topic.

"The water is murky as shit and-"

I stopped.

Bats. I hear bats.

And water, a cave system? Venom?

I hear it too.

I felt someone waving their hand infront of my face and I blink repeatedly.

"You okay? We seem to have lost you a bit there." Dick asked worriedly.

I furrowed my brow, "Yeah, yeah I'm good. All good."

They didn't seem to buy it, but we kept walking.

We arrived in the dining room once again, where this time, a new face was waitibg for us.

"Jason, your home early."

"Yeah, I got hungry and Roy are all my shit."

Understandable, Venom eats all my stuff too.

Fuck you

Jason turned to me, "Who's this? B couldn't help the new addition?"

"Jason, this is Danielle. She's out sister from now on." Dick explained.

Yeah, if I stay long enough.

His face scrunched up as he looked at me, but said nothing.


Alfred handed out cookies, which the boys snatched and shovelled down theit throats. Before Alfred could shout at the for poor manners, they made a break for it and disappeared down several halls.

In all of that chaos, I stood by the table, not even phased by anything. This used to happen back at the orphanage. I guess Alfred's cookies were just that good.

"I do hope that the young master's have shown you your room, miss. Here, have some cookies." The butler offered, to which I took.

"Yes, they have and thank you." I gave him a nice smile and made way to my room.

I had snatched an extra cookie for venom since she was hungry.

You are by far my favourite human! And I don't really like humans, let me eat cookie! Now!

Hold on, this place might have cameras. Let's get to the room first. And then we'll discuss about the fucking bats and cave systems below this house.

I opened the door to my room and locked it behind me. I poked around to check if there were any cameras, which surprisingly, there weren't any. I threw the cookie over my shoulder and venom caught it.

"Yum! This guy really knows how to make cookies. More!"

"Calm down, maybe later. And don't speak so loudly, we don't know if those guys are still there." I shushed her, ignoring the glare she sent me.

"These guys are shady as fuck, are you sure they aren't villains or something? You think those kids are slaves? I'm only joking!" She backtracks when I send her an incredulous look at her sentence.

"They're definitely something, but I'm not sure about villains. And please don't say slaves again, Bruce Wayne is some rich guy, why would he needs slaves?"

"I want to say something racist."

"Hell no! Keep it to yourself."

Talking, down the hall. Footsteps.

I rush to my bag and took things out to make it seem like I was unpacking. Someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Danielle. It's me, Dick."

"Come in!" I spoke loud enough so he could hear through the door.

He walked in with Jason, the latter rolled his eyes at his older brother and mumbled something under his breath.

Dick smiled, "Ooh, unpacking yay! I told Jason that you like to read and he wanted to check out your book collection."

"I did not actually, you dragged me here."

"Same thing."

I watched as they bicker back and forth, like Dick and Tim did on the day I first saw them. Seems like they do this often. Which was honestly funny.

That boy, the one with the white streak. He stinks of death.


I smell influence of the pit.

Well shit

𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘 ; 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now