Chapter Nineteen

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It had been two hours since the fallout bear Babylon towers with the trio of villains and a misfit vigilante. The people had already come up with names based off of the conversation caught on camera between the group of four. Halcón, Roulette, Doc Ock, and Spider-woman.

To Miguel, none of their names really mattered when all of them deserved to be dubbed criminals.

He was angry. Angry at everything. He had already been in a bad mood for the past year, and this new turn of events only added to his cup full of problems. At this point, it threatened to spill over into something dangerous.

Miguel had been asked to issue a statement about the fight to the people of Nueva York on what Alchemax was doing to prevent such an outburst from happening again- especially since the enemies were still at large.

"People of Neuva York. It's upsets me to say that today we witnessed an event I had hoped had been only possible in our past, but it seems it's followed us into our future.

I deeply regret to inform you that these assailants escaped the public eye, but will not get away with this intrusion on our peace. I, Miguel O'Hara, ensure you that here at Alchemax, we are doing everything we can to pursue them. Especially the one called 'spider-woman'."

He remembered taking a deep breath before what he said next.

"I won't condone the return of another super-hero after the last time this city had one. That's why the public eye is enforcing a warrant for any super powered assailants- self proclaimed hero, or villain."

And that was that. His part as leader was done in that regard, and he could stop playing spokesperson and be what he really was. A repairman. Fixing and fixing, working and hammering away at problems until they were all gone and he could one day be the one that got to go home with a pat on his back.

Who was he kidding? He wasn't that either. Not a hero. Not a spokesperson. Not a leader, nor repairman. So what was he?

He was mulling over that question when Xina Kwan waltzed in. She wore a smug smirk that matched her glaring outfit- one of which was something she did not normally wear- at least, not around him, anymore. She must have just come back from one of her parties, he thought.

"I wasn't aware my office was a club." Miguel leaned back in his chair, an action Xina was beginning to note he did pretty often.

"I wasn't either, but I'd be pretty offended if you renovated it without sending me the invite to the grand opening." She grinned, sitting on the edge of his desk

"Don't do that." He crossed his arms.

"I got a location." She stated, ignoring his comment and making herself comfortable. She was typing something on her watch.

He rubbed his eyes as an alert chimed from his desk, and an icon materialized in the shape of a tiny envelope in front of him. He tapped it.

"I just sent you the information. I finally cracked that bastard's cyber trail and broke past his firewall. Practically child's play once I found him. He was good at covering his tracks, but terrible in his choice of passcode." Xina mused to mostly herself, as Miguel opened her message and surveyed the holographic buildings displayed.

"Wow, I'm so surprised they chose downtown as a base for their organization. It's not like it's been the prime location for every other villain in this city." Miguel's sarcasm caused Xina to roll her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. No one is acclaiming their realtor agent." She smiled smugly. "Look, I know you aren't going to like this- I hardly like it myself, but- I need to borrow some tech to make a suit so that I can break into this location."

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