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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates lately. But now, we've officially entered 2024! How we feeling? The same? Yeah, me too. 💀 Even still, I find it hard to believe that 2023 is officially behind us. Last year, we met some of our favorite brothers of all time, and this is how they're handling this new year.


She was right. She knew they weren't going to last past midnight. Grandma RosiePuff stood in the doorway that separated the kitchen and the living room, smiling softly at the sight before her eyes.

All five of her grandsons were fast asleep. John Dory was sleeping face-down on the carpet, his arms and legs spread out as if he were pretending to fly. On his head, there was a little party hat, which had fallen on his forehead over his disheveled hair. His snores were muffled by the fluffy, macrame carpet, and RosiePuff couldn't help but chuckle.

Her gaze was then drifted over to Spruce. He was sitting down in the middle of the couch, his head leaned over from his unconsciousness and sleepy state. In one of his hands was the remote, and RosiePuff assumed he had to fight to get that remote.

She then looked at Clay, who was sleeping in a reclined lounge chair, his face quite literally in a book. The cover read "How to Stop Your Brothers From Destroying the Living Room On New Year's Eve." He always seemed to have a book for something, that kid. She snickered, briefly ruffling his yellow hair as he slept peacefully.

She once more turned her gaze in the direction of yet another Grandson, this time, she saw Floyd. Floyd was curled up in the corner of their couch, a pillow hugged between his arms and legs. On his ears were his pink, kitty headphones, meaning that he fell asleep listening to music.

There was something else about this sight that warmed RosiePuff's heart even further: little Baby Branch was lying on top of Floyd's side, sucking his thumb as he slept. She chuckled warmly, those two were the closest of brothers.

She couldn't have asked for better Grandsons. Even though they fought a lot, and even though they were quite the handful, she still loved them all for who they were. She accepted them all as they were, and it would always stay that way. She hoped that they would always stay together, loving each other like family, even when she was gone.

Delicately, RosiePuff picked up the remote from Spruce's hands, pressing the red 'off' button so the TV's screen would go black. She set the remote on the coffee table before walking over to passed-out JD.

Using all the strength she could muster, RosiePuff picked him up from the carpet. He sure was getting bigger now, and not the little, wild John Dory anymore. I mean sure, he was still wild, but.... He was growing up, now....

In fact, they were all growing up.... RosiePuff feared the day that she would lose them all.... She'd grown so attached to her Grandsons that she would be in denial the day they all waved goodbye.... The years were going by so fast.... That time would definitely approach before she knew it....

Blinking back her tears that occurred from the fear of the future, RosiePuff carried John Dory back to his room. His room was scattered with posters of the NeverGlade Trail, various other hiking spots, and pictures of him and his brothers. He truly did care about them.... He was a great big brother, Rosie knew it.

She carefully set John Dory down in his bed, adjusting his blankets over top of him. She removed his goggles and set them on his nightstand, along with the little party hat he was wearing. She then leaned in and kissed his forehead as a goodnight wish, quietly tiptoeing out of his room with a smile.

The next trip she made back down the hallway was with Spruce in her arms. She carried him a little further down the hall, walking into his room [which was right next to John Dory's]. His room was much neater than John's, but he did have occasional pictures of the beach, there was a surfboard in the corner by his window [which he couldn't necessarily use], and there were guides to cooking great meals.

She then set Spruce down in his bed, tucking him beneath his blankets as well [he had about 4 blankets stacked on top of each other, all different shades of purple to match his colors]. RosiePuff placed a hand to his cheek with a soft smile before she briefly kissed his forehead, walking out of his room to go pick up Clay.

After removing him from his cozy reading position, RosiePuff carried Clay [and his How To Guide] to his room. His room was probably the neatest one of them all, seeming as if he had a system for where everything went. His books were properly organized by series or by alphabet, and he had a bunch of pens placed neatly in a cup [for practicing finance].

RosiePuff laid Clay in his bed, before quickly tiptoeing to his bookshelf to stow away his guidebook. Once she figured out where it was placed, she walked back over to Clay, the carpet beneath her muffling the creaks of the floor.

Like the last two brothers, RosiePuff gave him a forehead kiss and tucked him in, making sure he was comfortable underneath his blanket and snuggled in his pillows. She then reached above him, turning out a little reading light he seemed to have forgotten to turn off the last time he was in the room.

After she left Clay's room, that was when she went to go get Floyd. She looked back at the scene between the Floyd, and his baby brother, Branch. She felt her heart ache at the thought of separating the two close brothers, so she decided that it would be okay for Baby Branch to sleep with Floyd for the night.

As carefully as she could, RosiePuff picked them both up to carry them back to Floyd's room [thankfully they both were small enough to fit in her arms]. The boys snuggled into her arms immediately upon contact, and that made RosiePuff smile softly.

She gazed around Floyd's room upon arrival. For that previous Christmas, he'd gotten a little vanity and some makeup kits for himself, which she found adorable. Upon that same vanity was also a thick journal, filled with all of his song ideas, scrapped lyrics, and even some personal writing. He was a smart kid, and she knew he was going to go far.

After taking in the surrounding area, RosiePuff gently laid the Boys down in Floyd's bed. She removed the kitty headphones from Floyd's ears, turning off the music from his iPad [The song was BroZone's Perfect :3]. She set them down on his little nightstand, then looked at the brothers for a second.

Before she could tuck them in, the two brothers were already snuggled beneath the blankets of the toddler bed, hugging each other as they slept quietly. RosiePuff was moved by the sight, finding it adorable how much they cared about each other.

Just before she left, RosiePuff adjusted their blankets, making sure they were completely covered and comfortable. She then gave them both kisses on the foreheads, just like the other brothers. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she walked out of the rooms

She let out a happy sigh, reminiscing in the moments she had with the brothers. Sure, she was scared for what the future could potentially have in store for the family, but she thought it was better to just focus on the moment right now.

Right before turning out the hallway lights, she whispered, "Happy New Year, my sweet Grandsons."

Happy New Year <3

SKIPTHEZURRODRAGON [1-1-24] {<— Weird writing dates like that o-O'}

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