5. Mistake

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I stand there, too stunned to speak as the redness covers my cheeks and burns my ears.
"T-thanks?" I mutter out but then he has already stepped into the classroom and takes a seat besides his friends. I make my way to an empty seat and sit down, processing what just happened and trying to get this redness away. Why'd he say that? I'm not skinny yet, I can't be beautiful yet. Nor cute. I was fat, and chubby.

The teacher walks to class holding his bag and smiling. I know that look, it usually means something fun like lab exams or atom building experiments. My thoughts about Fox disappear soon when I can only hope we're doing something interesting.

"Okay class. Today we'll be doing... some lab experiments. It's fun I promise." He says and smirks at my way, he's really sweet and knows I love biology with my whole heart. I'm his top student after all. "Before I tell you what we'll be doing, I need someone to get us the acids that are necessary. Hmm, who would like to go?" And when no one answers and I'm too shy to do it, he of course (like always) turns to me "Bellemonte? Could you please go?". Bellemonte is my last name, mom wanted to give Elijah and me the same last name as her since dad wasn't really around.

"Yes mr. Perry." I answer, happy that I can go. The chemical lab was always closed and we weren't allowed to go there unless the teachers asked us to and gave us the keys. These were the perfect moments to peek at everything exciting and mysterious in the chemical lab. There was so much stuff!

"Could you take someone with you?" Mr. Perry asks. That was weird, I usually went alone.

"I can go by myself thanks." I answer, praying to god that he'd just let me by myself.

"I know you could but it's too much risk for you alone to take four bottles of strong chemicals. I don't want anyone to get hurt, so I need you to take someone with you." He says smiling, of course he means well but gosh it was awkward since I had no friends in this class. I love this subject so much that I usually don't mind being alone at all.

A silence washed over the whole classroom, no one wanted to come with me. The embarrassment was tingling in my throat, making me almost cry. This was humiliating.

Seconds passed and just before I had a chance to just run out of the class from embarrassment someone spoke up: "I can go with her." It was Fox.

I glance at him, our eyes meet for a moment and he flashes me a quick smile. He would never know how freaking thankful I was at that moment.

"Wonderful! Okay, here's the list what you need to get. And guys, be careful! I trust you to not do any mistakes since they are very toxic chemicals. Understood?" Mr. Perry asks and I take the list.

"We'll be careful." Fox says and we head out with the permission sheet and keys.

"Thanks." I mutter to Fox as we walk through the hallway.

"I've never been in the lab before so I saw a chance now." He answers. "What do we need from there?"

"Carbonic acid, nitrous acid, nitric acid and sulfurous acid." I read.

"Sounds pretty dangerous. Acids and all that." Fox exclaims.

"Some of them are pretty toxic. I can pick them if you don't mind." I say.

"Okay, just be careful." He replies and glances at me. My stupid heart makes a jump hearing that, which I know is stupid but I can't control my heart.

"I will." I mutter back.

We enter the chemical lab and turn on the lights. It reminds me of hospital light, bright and cold as ice.

"Is that a frog?" Fox yelps suddenly and makes me giggle.

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