9. Nothing new

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It was dark outside. Cold and dark and the wind was almost pushing me to a different country.

I had been ready to walk alone to my house after the first episode of Gilmore Girls but Fox hadn't let me alone. Well, it was 8PM so I understood, but it still made me feel better. He really did care about me.

"We could've caught a bus you know." He says as we walk, shaking from cold.

"I like walking." I like losing calories. But I had been near fainting as I got up from Fox's bed. I knew I had to eat at some point but gosh I didn't want to. I want to starve, nothing else made me feel more alive, more in control. I loved the feeling of being in control and feeling how my weight was dropping. I loved to stop myself from eating, because it just made me feel better. Something about the pain was euphoric and like drug.

"You seriously enjoy walking even in this weather?" He asks and glances at me.

"It's not that bad." I shrug off trying to control my shivering.

"Thank god we live pretty close to each other." Fox says, it took like fifteen minutes to walk from his place to mine.

"You didn't have to walk with me." I say but the only answer I get is a slight smile from him. Of course he walked with me.

"Is this your house?" Fox questions.

"Yep. Not as pretty as your house." I answer, our two story house was maybe half the size of Fox's house but it was still pretty nice. The outside was supposed to be white, but as the time had gone on, the white was more like grey.

"I think it's pretty." He just says.

"You do? We only have three people living there so it's not very big." I explain and Fox nods.

"Well, see you tomorrow at biology?" He asks and smiles at me his adorable dimple smile.

"Yep. Bye." I add smiling.

He turns to leave but I remember something. "Fox!" I yell into the night.

"Yeah?" He asks turning towards me.

"Stick the post-it note to your desk! So you'll always remember to call me." I smile, turn around quickly and sprint to my house. I really hope that he remembers what post-it note I was talking about. It was pretty clear that I wanted him to call me, but oh well. I really did want him to call me. Hopefully he understood.

As I open the front door and take a step inside, someone is already questioning me. "Livia?" I hear from living room. Mom.

"Yes?" I say it like a question.

"Did you get your work done?" She asks with a sarcastic tone as I walk into the room. Mom has a weird look on her face.

"We actually did." I say trying to confirm her.

"Did you really?" She asks and pierces me with those ocean eyes, the same eyes as mine.

"Huh? I don't get it?" I ask and tilt my head.

"Livia, do you have... something going on with that Fox boy?" Mom questions me sounding serious.

"Gosh no! We're just friends I swear!" I say but begin to laugh. It was good that mom was worried about that and not my weight loss.

"Oh." She says sounding a tiny bit disappointed.

"Nothing is between us! Just biology project." I explain with a smile.

"But you were so late with him, I thought..." she says and smiles.

"Gosh no!" I laugh.

"Well however, I put your dinner to the fridge, you can eat it if you become hungry." She says and turns on tv, hinting me that our conversation was over.

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