A Hellish Girl She Is

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I was with my uncle Blitz at his place sighing and watching TV

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I was with my uncle Blitz at his place sighing and watching TV

"Still have your brain on the kid huh." He asked me

"I do but why the fuck does it matter he never fucking liked me anyways." I rolled my eyes annoyed then his phone rings

"Yello?" He answered with his mouth filled with a large block of cheese whole.

"Ehn, that is a weird way to put it, but eeyup, that's me. Oh, shit. The big Ozz himself!" My eyes widen Asmedous himself I scooted over and listen in

"Heh, is there a reason you're calling me on the weekend Your sin- sinness? Sinfulness? Sin- Royal, big man?"

You've lived rent free in Fizz's head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things.

"Yeah, I was the one who usually had the stronger opinions. Yeah like, like one time, he tried convincing me that juggling was cool, but it's only a little cool at best."

Look, he's deadset on re-entering Greed's yearly clown pageant.

"Wow, big fucking surprise there."

I was hoping to have some...backup in convincing him that this thing is a waste of time.

"What? Why? Doesn't he always win?"

'Cause Mammon is a selfish, manipulative, piece of shit! And Fizz doesn't listen to me when I try to tell him that.

"Well, my special skills are killing things without giving fucks, and pointing out people's flaaaws... Alright, count me in!" Then looks at me and smile

"You don't mind if I take my niece with me right?"

"Uncle Blitz!" I shake my head no and waved my hands to cut it out

Sure why not I like the kid and plus she's one unique doll

3 PV

Fizzarolli leaps out of the limo and greets the fans as they cheer him on.

"Hup- hup- Hey!" Asmodeus steps out in his lowkey form while Blitzo dressed as a bodyguards and falls out and face plants onto the ground and Lilith dressed in a cute groupie.

"Hup- hup- Hey!" Asmodeus steps out in his lowkey form while Blitzo dressed as a bodyguards and falls out and face plants onto the ground and Lilith dressed in a cute groupie

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