side story: break the limit

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{3 years ago}

On a sunny day, the sun was scorching, there was a guy with yellow hair and wearing a blue gym outfit jogging. He kept running until he stopped, knelt down on the ground and started vomiting on the ground, his face was pale, his body was covered in sweat, you could see that he had exercised too hard. He had difficulty standing up and continued running, he felt like his feet were burning, his throat was burning and his lungs were about to burst but he continued running until he finished the workout. Having completed his homework, he dragged his tired legs back home with an exhausted body.

Opening the door and entering, he saw a small dog waiting for him. It rushed up and licked his face. In response to this action, he hugged it tightly in his arms. After the hug, he put it down and began to prepare. breakfast, looked up at the clock and discovered that he was about to be late for school. The blond boy only had time to prepare breakfast for his friend and he himself only had time to eat a banana and rush to school.

It's been two months since he started practicing, he's somewhat used to the exercises but it's still too heavy for him, constantly practicing without any time to rest has gradually exhausted his body. strength, every morning he woke up feeling extremely tired and did not want to practice. But to have strength, you have to push yourself to the limit, always remind yourself not to give up.

The blonde boy kept running until he reached school. Luckily, the school gate was not closed yet. He walked through the school gate and started entering the classroom. The school he was attending was just a normal middle school. . During class, he couldn't concentrate because of the fatigue in his body, but he still tried to push himself to get through the class. And then, the school announced that all students and teachers in the school gathered in the gym.

All students gathered in the gym, stood in rows according to their classes, the principal appeared on the stage and began to speak.

Principal: "Thank you for taking your time to come here. I have a few words to say so please listen carefully."

The students began to quiet down, listening attentively.

Principal: "You know, I've been working here for 15 years...15 long years, I and you guys have experienced a lot of happy and sad things, school is like heaven to me. But when I return to the place I call home, things are different..."

The students started to stir, the audience started to make noise, and as for Denji, he didn't care about this.

Principal: "my wife and children always impose everything on me, they nag and criticize me and yesterday I signed a contract with a demon and killed them too"

And then his hands dropped down, his arms began to change to become unusually large, he laughed like crazy, his chest was also unusually large, he looked no different. devil.

Principal: "The price to pay for the contract is all the lives in this school!!!"

The students began to scatter to find a way out. Luckily, the door was not locked, but the jostling to get out blocked the exit and caused some students to be left behind. was caught by the principal.

Male student 1: "I...i...i...teacher...forgive me..."

Principal: "no"

He threw his fist at that person with the intention of killing him, but that male student was saved by the blonde boy


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