Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 13

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*The dark angel looks up shocked hearing the sound of explosion getting closer, he slowly reaches for his bolt pistol and check the magazine, and loads it back in seeing it was a full mag*

???: "What is going on out there?"

*Miyu is stomping around in her Dreadnought as she fires her melta gun at the hordes of infantry and daemon engines charging towards them.  Some of the deamon engines manages to get a hit on her, but the tough metallic exterior of her Dreadnought stood tough against it as she fires off another round melting a clean mole straight through the blight drone's main body*

Saki: "holy crap Miyu is getting more kills in that thing!  How is she mastering that so fast?"

Tech Marine: "If I were to make a guess, it would be due to the face she has a halo, thus marking her as a saint in the eyes of the machine spirit, who may or may not be very motivated at this time at having a saint as it's pilot"

Rabbit 3: "A saint eh~  So these guys are like, holy priest or something?  Like entombed in a holy shrine on a planet?"

Arigul: "well technically yes but also a no, there are saints buried in their own tombs, but there are other saints that comes into battle at our greatest need, such as Saint Celestine of the Adepta Sororitas, our Sisters of battle that purge our enemies with faith and the wrath of the God Emperor of Mankind"

Rabbit 3: "so technically nuns with guns"

Arigul: "exactly:

Rabbit 3: "sounds like the nuns at Trinity"

Arigul: "So some of your nuns who can be authorized to be soldiers can carry guns?

Moe: "No, they all carry guns"

*Arigul suddenly stops shooting his bolt pistol in shock, ducks behind a cover, then shouts into his vox device with sheer shock in his voice*

Arigul: "What's up with you kids and guns?!  Do toddlers carry guns too?!"

Rabbit 3: "Well in Shanghaijing, a local daycare have a few toddlers with guns"

Arigul: "... by the throne... you are all... messed up one way or another..."

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