Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 18

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Miyu slowly raises her head from the safety of her box, taking sight of the war torn city that lies below the city, the air reeks of a horrible stench masked by the smell of expelled gunpower, her dreadnought covered in the blood and pus of the demons and followers of nurgle, she looks around carefully as the fighting has subsided for now.

Arigul: "The damn traitors have retreated deeper into the city! Into their stronghold, the cathedral! Once we breach their defenses we can finally purge this world of the heretical filth!"

Saki: "Quick question, how you spoke like that, are you some sort of zealot or fanatic?"

Arigul: "Well, I am a Chaplin, I am here to raise the moral of my battle brothers, and the local troops of the sector."

Saki: "right, but do you all follow a religion related to this?"

Arigul: "Our faith lies within the God Emperor of Mankind, the true master of Mankind, he reunited humanity before the Age of Darkness. As of now, he rested on the Golden Throne on Terra powering the astranomicon, a beacon in the Warp that allows our ships to safely travel to one destination, to another, and your friend, Miyu, has been to the warp on our way here, but for some reason, she is unaffected by the warp, and I speculate that she is a saint"

Saki: "A saint... Miyu?"

Arigul: "The reasons why is because the Saints we have here in the Imperium are like the Warp Daemons of the Emperor, well, that what some people said, they have actual halos like yours, but only a glowing ring with spikes on it and nothing more fancy like yours. They often hail from fallen heroes of the Imperium and must be remembered in a way to come back to the material realm, such as the sisters of battles always singing of Saint Celestine's deeds."

Saki: "I could see that, so there are daemons that helps the Imperium, but what happens if these warp entities are killed?"

Arigul: "well for one, they just go back to the warp as they lose, they physical form, as they are a fragment of their god. But for those like our saints, I guess they just regenerate within the warp and come back later to help us."

*Arigul then turns his head to the side to see a sickly green person crawling towards him, it's legs are missing, guts trailing behind him as his long head looks at the Marine in front of him, it's singular eye reflected the Marine standing there, as he points his plasma pistol at the chaos spawn.  With the pull of a trigger, a bright light was the last thing the warp spawn saw before returning to his god*

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