34 | meet

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akari heard the calling bell ring for the second time when she decided to open her front door. reaching the door she found no one. "is it some kind of prank?" she asked herself.

after a couple of seconds, she noticed a medium-sized something wrapped in a gift wrapper. "huh? what is it?" she stared at the object for a few seconds before grabbing it and going inside.

she opened the gift wrapper and found a canvas with beautiful art on it. "again?" she smiled while staring at it. on the canvas, there was a painting of a girl with a hair bun who was writing something. a beautiful portrayal.

she puts the new canvas beside the previous one on her study table before getting ready for the meet-up with choi beomgyu, the guy from the band she had seen a month ago.

it was merely afternoon when she reached the said restaurant. as soon as she headed inside, the girl noticed the man sitting at a table beside the window.

the black-haired guy waved at her as she grinned at him.                      

on the other hand niki and jay were spying on them the whole time. "is the plan working?" niki asked jay with an annoyed look. "did sakura do it?" he asked again.

"just wait and watch," is all jay said to him as they continued hiding behind the bush and gazing at the restaurant's window.

"why's she being so lovey-dovey with him? she never looks at me like that," the blonde boy complains.

"look who's jealous," jay laughs at him.

niki couldn't hold himself back anymore when he noticed that beomgyu guy holding his girl's hand. "where are you going?" 

"i need to shove his hands away and break the bone into two," he said all angrily before rushing to the girl while jay just facepalmed watching him.

"i'm so glad to meet you, akari! oh my god, you're even prettier up this close," beomgyu held her hand while the girl just nervously chuckled and broke the mere handshake.

"let's order something first. what's your favorite drink?" he asked all excitedly.

beomgyu noticed the girl's nervous look when he asked,"is something wrong? you look nervous."

"no, no," akari shook her head quickly reassuring him everything was alright. "i-er- i was thinking what if your fans see us together and spread rumors? i mean you're quite popular as i know," she told him formally. 

"let them then. i don't really mind, haha."

that's not funny at all. but i do mind.

she wasn't really glad to meet him and his presence kind of uncomforted her. all on a sudden the both of them noticed so many girls, well fangirls rushing towards their table. she started to panic. "huh?" that's what akari was dreading the most.

it was getting super crowded when she got up and decided to just run away.

amongst the crowd and noise that surrounded them, she felt a touch of a cold hand around her wrist which was pulling her out of the mess. she closed her eyes and ran.

when she opened her eyes, a very clear view of a park was drawn in her brain. "where am i?" she uttered as she huffed. the girl suddenly flinched when she noticed a boy's presence next to her. 

"a park near the restaurant," niki told her. she stayed silent. she chose not to spend another moment with him and to just walk home alone just as she came here. that's when she felt the touch again through her wrist's vein going sharply to her brain which caused adrenaline to rush throughout the body. her heart was racing fast.  like it never did whenever she was in the presence of the boy, whenever she looked at him.

still she chose not to let her mouth throw a single word.

"stop,akari. stop avoiding me for god's sake," his voice was different. and for the very first time, it sounded like he cared for her. as if the tone of his voice said a lot more than just the mere words he let out.

she faced him as silently as she had before. she wished to hear more from the boy.

"why don't you understand? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, ri. tell me whatever harsh words you want to. shout at me for hours. but please, let's not do this, okay? again i am sorry," his voice sounded sincere. she wanted to believe him. yet, she stayed silent.

"what do I need to do in order to make you talk to me? are you gonna stay silent for the rest of your life, silly?" he stepped closer to her.

"are you playing with me right now?" he wasn't giving up. he will make sure everything goes back to normal or even better.

"fuck, if you stay like this, you can't blame me for what I'm gonna do next," he stepped closer closing the gap between the two of them until there was no gap left.

the vision around her got blurry as she focused on the boy only. his gaze traveled from her eyes and down to her lips as it stopped there.

the sun was setting down as the people lessened in the park.

"I will make sure you never avoid me again," he hissed as the breath sent shivers down her spine.

she felt his lips against her in no time. her heart was beating fast as if all the other sounds had been blocked by her ears. he put his arms around her waist as the kiss deepened while she rested her hands around his nape.

she tried to push him away when the realization hit her, yet he strongly pulled her into his embrace, not letting her go ever this time. she gave in as she kissed him back.

a few seconds felt like an hour.

"will you answer me now?" he asked as he broke the kiss. "let me be the one for you, ri."


currently omw to school to get my result card

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currently omw to school to get my result card.
i'm not ready for what's gonna happen next 😃

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