Veneer and Floyds chat

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Veneer couldn't help but pace around the room, his thoughts spiralling. He couldn't stand up to his sister, she was happy.. And he knew what she'd do to him if he refused to take part in the concerts any longer. After everything she did for him? There's no way he could. Veneer muttered to himself in a low whisper, almost obsessively as a small troll watched concerned from their diamond prison. Veneer was acting unusual compared to his normal, upbeat personality. Floyd wandered if it was related to whatever happened to him a few days ago, remembering how Velvet reacted when he asked her. He was sick, right? Floyd wondered if Veneer was ok. Not that he should care, but it felt like he was the only one that took on how manipulative and forceful Velvet was towards him.

"Veneer?" The other jumped in his tracks, giving out a small yelp.
"I forgot you were here little guy.. don't scare me like that." He stated, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"Are you ok? Is it related to what happened a few days ago? Actually, what did happen a few days ago? Is it why you cancelled the shows this week?"
"Hey hey hey! Thats too many questions."
Floyd sighed. Right. Don't overwhelm him. Veneer actually had some sense in him, if he could break through his walls, maybe he could convince the teenager to let him free.
"Are you ok?" Floyd started.
Veneer couldn't help but crouch into himself at the question, but only for a second. Floyd was almost convinced he saw the rageon flinch, but was unsure due to the constricted vision of the diamond bottle.
"I.. Why do you ask? Trying to get all personal with me troll?" Veneer snapped back, his sassy tone of voice and posture returning.
"I was just asking- jeez. If you didn't want me to ask, don't pace around the room panicking for 10 minutes straight."

Veneer sighed. Floyd was right. He needed to get better at containing his emotions. Velvet already thought he was weak, he was sure of it. He didn't need to spoon feed her more proof.
"Hmph. I'm fine." He answered.
"You sure, bud? Because I don-"

He clearly wasn't. Veneer didn't act like this often. Defensive. Floyd assumed he came across as demanding, so decided to start of softly. Not that he cared for the rageon.

"Look... I'm not gonna force you to say anything.. but it's bad to bottle up your emotions, and I'm here if you want to talk. It's not like I can tell anybody- and we both know Velvet wouldn't listen to me for more than 30 seconds. If you want to talk, I'm open."

Floyd was going to leave it at that, but then Veneer picked up the diamond prison and took Floyd to his room, locking the door.

"I.. I'm gonna be completely honest with you.. I don't think my sister actually loves me.. or cares about me. She probably think im weak, and.. and... I don't really know. Velvs just so confusing.." Floyd tried to act surprised at any of this, but just couldn't.

"Why don't you confront her then? Why stick around if you don't think she's being honest with you? I mean.. shes clearly using you for fame."
"Are you serious?! Confront her? She'd kill me.. and plus, she's done so much for me already. She deserves so much. Maybe I'm just being dramatic.. sensitive."
"You are NOT being over dramatic. And definitely not sensitive- trust me on that. Velvet is manipulating you. You need to get out her toxic environment. I know you don't want to be a singer, and harm me.. Just leave and become a model! Or.. Or a dancer- just get away from that monster."

"Velvet isn't a monster! And she isn't manipulating me! It's not like that.. I'm doing this from my own freewill. Ok? And she would go crazy if I gave up being a singer for something else. She would literally put a bullet through my head! She wants whats best for me. She cares for me.. She just.. doesn't show it often."
"You are so brainwashed, dude.." Veneer couldn't help but scoff. Brainwashed? Ha! There was no way. Why would that pipsqueak even suggest that? Floyd was certainly making it easier for Veneer to shake off that sympathy for him.

"I can't believe you'd say that! I am not brainwashed. You don't know anything. How could you? Probably not much brain in that teeny tiny head, is there." Floyd put a hand to his chest, mouth wide open, taking full offence. He was going to utter some comeback, but thought better of it remaining silent.

"VENEER! GET YOUR BUTT HERE RIGHT NOW! ITS REALLY IMPORTANT!!" Veneer perked up at the excitement in Velvets voice, raising himself up and into a jog towards the door.

"Look.. I.. Just wanted to say, don't let Velvet push you around.. Make your own choices.. You're your own person.. Ok..?"

Veneer paused hesitantly, listening to what Floyd had to say before leaving the room and making his way to the siblings' studio. Floyd could only sigh at his failed attempt. He wasn't sure what his objective was anymore, but he had to try and help the pathetic giant... If he wasn't too far into his sisters web of manipulation and lies that was. What a day...


I guess I lied when I just said I didn't have any writing ready. 925 words isn't that bad actually-

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