Crasher part 2

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Here's some more angst to make yall sad even more :D I'm not sure if it will but yea!

Warning!: nightmares, sleep deprivation, vendi not having tea, dream blood

Enjoy! Also this is not from the final of season 4


3rd person pov

It has been 2 weeks? Or 1 week since then. The pizzaplex was so quiet, even the animatrronics weren't speaking much about bryan anymore.

Adrian was trying their best to do their job at the 3rd candy location and the job at pizzaplex (they take breaks).

Now how about vendi?

Vendi was in fazbear tower, he was stirring and turning on the couch, having the first nightmare in a like a week

It was a normal dream (maybe?) They were in the mansion laughing at a rom-com show but something felt off? Vendi didn't question it and just kept looking over at Bryan's eyes that were glued to the master TV.

He loved looking at them, after the show ended it was already night and now they were at the master bedroom.

Something still didn't feel quite right and when bryan decided to hug him he hugged back. He then saw blood all over the walls and then saw bryan laying down on the floor, his mangled body parts everywhere. Especially the eyes that he loved so much were rolled back

Vendi dropped onto his ass and freaked out, what's happening? Why?

He woke up with sweat and tears.

He looked around and sighed as he was in his office "bryan.."

It was 6:30 am and vendi knew he had work to do, so he got up from the couch and picked up his tea cup...staring at it

He eventually broke out of the trance and poured water into the cup, staring and not paying attention at all about the water being overflowed from the cup.

He shook his head and had to pour some of the overflowed water to the sink, he sighed as he took a tea bag to put it into the water

After that he took it to his desk, looking at the elevator

It's like before: make yourself tea, wait for people to come in, talk with bry- do your paperwork, sort out documents, just business business and business and pills

He thought of how bryan would come here sometimes, wanting to talk or just have a cuddle,

he started to cry because of the happy memories, why was the universe so cruel?

"We were supposed to live together..he made me so happy"

After a few days went by he thought of wanting to be with bryan but scratched that out of the way since bryan wouldn't want him to hurt himself.

He was avoiding tea, he did drink water, he didn't sleep much because of the nightmares he would have, he slept in the afternoon when he was supposed to have meetings.

Angela (his secretary) noticed this and called him down because she wanted to speak to him

As he got into the elevator, yawning because he only got 30 minutes of sleep, and stepped out of the elevator to see what Angela wanted

As he got to her desk Angela noticed the eyebags, or well the whole messy type of hair that he now has,

"Sir..have you been okay? Have you slept?" Vendi looked at her trying to think what to say

"Not..really, I haven't been okay for weeks" Angela lifted an eyebrow and wanted him to continue since she can't really read minds

(she would probably be happy if she could)

He started to tell her how his boyfriend is now gone (didn't tell her the death details and glitchtrap) and how he misses him

She sighed because of how much this man was only in one relationship and she didn't have time to be a therapist today so she sighed again.

" have you considered going to therapy?"

Vendi nodded his head but didn't really say anything else so the conversation might have ended there

So vendi walked back to the elevator and got back up to his office, after the elevator door opened, he got clumsy and fell onto the floor, it did hurt but he got up

Dusting off his black attire suit, he began looking around in the office. He found two picture frames on his desk, one of them was of two of them on their first date, vendi was wearing his red suit and bryan was wearing his Grey turtleneck and black jacket.

His boyfriend looked so good in it he was now crying, the other picture was of bryan, smiling and blowing his tongue out at vendi in a playful manner

(bryan didn't want him to have that picture but he saved it anyway)

His life was so boring until bryan came around..

Why was the universe so cruel?

Vendi then kicked his own desk 4 times and he didn't care that it hurt him, he was 33 and he doesn't care right now if he was acting like a child.

He just wanted his boyfriend's embrace with him even though he doesn't like being cuddled he just wanted his touch


Vendi looked outside after his foot hurt for like 40 minutes.

"Maybe we are together in another universe.."



Hello! I got distracted so much so here's part 2! I hope you guys like it

Also I pretty much will be making non-canon oneshots since the final fucking destroyed me and I'm just coping and in denial

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