2. Time to interfere

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The next morning, Alex woke up and was extremely nervous for what that day was going to bring

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The next morning, Alex woke up and was extremely nervous for what that day was going to bring.  The Weasleys would be coming by around five o'clock, which gave her the whole day to mentally prepare to see Fred.

She distracted herself the entire day by reading, repacking her trunk about five separate times, each time placing the clothes in differently, whether it was according to style, color, season, or category of clothes, anything she could do to not let her mind wander the closer it got to five o'clock.

Hermione walked into Alex's room a quarter to five to find her about to open her trunk for the sixth time and immediately rushed over and closed it.

"You are going to drive me and yourself mad if you try to rearrange your clothes around again," Hermione told her.

Alex slumped back and looked at the time, feeling her heart pounding.  "I'm sorry," she whispered.  "I'm just nervous because I keep telling myself it won't happen between us but there's that little part of me that is still hoping it will."

"Maybe it will if you actually talk to him," Hermione suggested but Alex shook her head.

"Maybe I will when we actually get to Hogwarts but not while we're at the Burrow," Alex sternly told her.  "It's easier to avoid him at Hogwarts than the Burrow."

With an exasperated sigh, Hermione left the room to take her things down the stairs and wait for the Weasleys. Alex remained in her room, watching the minutes tick by.

A familiar fluttering at her window caught her attention to see that Al had returned from delivering her letter to Cedric.  She then decided she needed someone's advice, motherly advice when it came to this situation. She pulled out some parchment and quill:

Dear Mum,

I hope you and Dad are doing well. Hopefully, you both are safe wherever you were. It must be wonderful judging by the last bird that delivered your most recent letter you wrote to me. It had the most beautiful feathers, I even kept a couple it dropped!

Mum, don't let Dad read this next part, but I'm in desperate need of some motherly advice when it comes to... well, boys.

I know what you're thinking, but please don't freak out. I just fancy this boy but I don't think he feels the same way and I desperately want to get over him. Or maybe you could just shed light on what I should do regarding him.

He acted like he liked me last year and we flirted quite a bit. He was even my first kiss. DON'T TELL DAD THAT! But after that kiss, he ignored me until we talked it out but he made it sound like he just wants to be my friend.

What should I do? I know I'm probably too young to be worrying about boys but please just give me some idea of what I should do.

I'll be at Ron Weasley's house for the rest of the summer, so if you need to contact me, I'll be there.

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