A broken boy

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Asahi POV:

Why? Why did they do this to me? First Mizuha , Kosaki, betrayed me by having sex with Touma and Yasuharu, now Mia-chan just made me her slave. Why is this happening? They even beat me up or let me see them bang in front of me.

I was walking back home tiredly after being used by Mia-chan and I was cursing myself why am I so weak? Why am I so useless? . Then suddenly a bunch of monsters appeared In front of me. I tried to run but they caught up to me and beat the crap out of me , then the Super sentai warriors came to get rid of the monsters and left with noticing me.

While I tried to get up , there was a monster hiding in a corner obviously waiting for the sentai to leave, and ran towards me with blood lust . I closed my eyes so I can accept my fate. And then....


I heard a very loud bang , almost like a bomb just exploded. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a figure standing in front of a obliterated monster. I was shocked that this guy just killed a monster that easily.

???: Crap!! Did I do it very hard?

He turned around saw me and ran towards me, but at the time I was losing consciousness.

???:muffled okay? muffled hey kid?

At that moment I fell unconscious.

Few hours later

I was starting to get consciousness, but I felt something slapping lightly on the face.

(I tried to upload all might waking up deku in the first episode but it can't upload it)

???: muffled hey kid wake up, clear voice wake up,wake up,wake up, wake up.


Asahi: wakes up Cut it out!

???: Oh finally !! You're awake !!, I thought you crossed the border between life and death, and I would've been panicking that my powers didn't work.

Asahi: Where am I? Who are you?  Are you the one killed that monster and are you a sentai warrior?

???: Woah, slow down your horses there bud, I will answer your questions. Okay?

Asahi: nod's sorry for that? I tend to get panic and ask questions.scratches head.

???: I get it. Everyone gets panic when they see some dude one shotted a monster which is impossible. Which is totally fair, but to answer your answer we're in the same place when you got attacked by monsters and left behind some jumpsuit guys, Which they were fighting very weirdly, and for your second question I go by many names but my name is Nezha, yes I killed that monster, and no I'm not a sentai warrior or whatever they call themselves, so now it's my time to question, who are you?

Asahi: well my name is Asahi Aomiya, but wait you don't know anything about sentai warriors? shocked .

Nezha: nice to meet you Asahi , and yeah I don't know who they are? Are they some heroes?

Asahi: yeah or so I thought. Whispers sadly

Then I saw Nezha san's appearance .He had red hair.He was wearing a hoodie, jeans , shoes and bandage clothes around both of his arms which is weird and not to mention a horn sticking out of his forehead, also his eyes they're unique.

He was wearing a hoodie, jeans , shoes and bandage clothes around both of his arms which is weird and not to mention a horn sticking out of his forehead, also his eyes they're unique

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Nezha: snaps Asahi out Oi wake up kid, now is not to dream about your future wife.

Asahi: ahhh- I'm - sorry for not paying attention .

Nezha: it's okay kid no need to apologize.
But I asked you a question? Did you listen?

Asahi: ahhh- sorry, I didn't hear it. what did you ask?

Nezha: I was asking what were you doing outside this late? We're you selling crack?

Asahi: Panics No , I wasn't selling drugs. I was just walking back home, then a bunch of monsters surrounded me , and got beaten up and here I am.

Nezha: I see. So let me ask you this , sits right next to Asahi why do you look like you had the shittiest life ever?

Asahi: yeah, that's a long story.


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