Chapter Twenty-Three

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"How could you risk your health, Hunter? This is crazy," gasped Rihanna, hearing his words. Was he out of his mind?

"Yes, I am, but only for you," said Hunter. "It worked, didn't it? I drove Gemma crazy and then sent her to you." He chuckled mischievously. Rihanna suppressed a smile when there was a knock on the door and Gemma peeped inside with their food served in on plates. Rihanna got up to get the food from her.

"I'll just clean up the mess," she said, indicating the broken table lamp.

"Where's Robbie?" asked Hunter.

"He's sleepy. Let him sleep in his room. Don't make him so dependent that he wouldn't sleep without you Rihanna," advised Gemma. Rihanna's eyes widened.

"She's right," Hunter agreed with a smirk. Gemma cleaned up the mess and left the room, closing the door as if to give them privacy. Rihanna placed Hunter's small lap top desk in front of him on the bed and placed his food upon it.

"Eat? What's wrong with you?" she asked. Hunter looked at her in disbelief.

"I'm sick, ain't I? You've got to feed me. Show me you care," he said with a glint in his eye. Rihanna rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm not feeding you, Hunter. You're perfectly fine with only a sprained knee," said Rihanna. Hunter looked disappointed.

"It's proven that you don't care," he continued stubbornly.

"Of course, I do care, " she said, picking up his fork and feeding him his grilled chicken and rice. Hunter watched her while eating what she fed him. His stare, his vulnerability, evoked a tenderness in Rihanna's heart. She decided what she should do. She would marry him but wait for a few months to check if the magic between them was ever-lasting or temporary.

Hunter caught her hand to stop her. Then, picking up her food, he fed her too. It was like an unspoken bond was developing between the two, something that was beyond just physical attraction, something pertaining to their souls, to their hearts. Afterwards they ate on their own and Rihanna was happy that Hunter looked far better, calmer and almost happy.

"So, could I prove I care enough for you?" He nodded with a smile on his face.

"So what's stopping you from marrying me?" he started again.

"I hardly got time to think, Hunter."

"How long? I'll grow old, haggard and get er*ctile dysfunction by the time you decide," he said with a groan.

"Seriously, Hunter?" she asked in horror. "All I'm asking for is a few months," she protested.

"How many months is 'a few months'? Number. Give me a number so that I can count the days," he said with a groan.

"Three to four maybe?" His fork dropped from his hands in shock.

"What do you need that many months for?" he asked with dismay.

"Hunter, I need to see whether the physical attraction between us still stays strong that long or not. Since we don't love one another, we need a solid foundation for our marriage to last long," she explained.

"Long? Say forever, Rihanna. I'm not marrying you for a few years. It's gonna be an actual marriage. We'll have our own children, it will be forever," he admitted her in a serious voice. Rihanna stared at him. This wasn't at all what she had dreamed of. All her life she had waited for a happily ever after, whirlwind kind of romance that would sweep her off her feet. There was everything in it, but no love. How could she go against all convention and jump into a loveless marriage?

"Oh," she said, not knowing what else to say. Hunter stared at her for a minute and then nodded.

"Fine, I'll give you three months' time, but I have a condition." That got Rihanna's attention. Now what?

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