Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was true his nearness made her want to surrender to him, but she was adamant. She would only marry him if he loved her the way she loved him. Unrequited love wasn't healthy and it would create a lot of complications and heartache when her expectations would keep mounting.

Robbie would outgrow his need for her in a few days, and her life would be a nightmare if Hunter never loved her. All her expectations out of marriage would remain unfulfilled. She couldn't do this to herself. She couldn't shatter her own dreams. So her decision was final. The day Hunter realized he too loved her and got down on his knees and proposed to her, she would surrender to his wishes.

Hunter helped Rihanna dismount right in front of his home and went to the stables. Rihanna walked in through the front door to see a pouting Robbie lying on the sofa and watch his favorite cartoon. She sat beside him and he looked up at her, looking upset.

"What's up, sweetie?" She asked him, stroking his hair.

"My tummy's paining mommy and Gemma's giving me yucky food." The pout deepened, but Rihanna knew where this was going.

"Don't you think it is better to have that than landing up at the hospital? You'll having yuckier medicine pushed down your throat. Would you prefer that?" Robbie's eyes widened at the realization. Still, he shook his little head.

"But please, can you make it a little less yucky? I feel like vomiting seeing it." Rihanna smiled and nodded.

"Let's see what I can make for you," she said. Robbie clung to her like a lost puppy.

"Can you stay with me tonight, Mommy? I miss you," he said with a sad look on his face.

"I'll stay only if you're a good boy and eat well," she conditioned. Robbie nodded. He could do anything for his mommy.

"I will, I promise," he said, looking happier.

"Robbie, you shouldn't force Rihanna to stay with us," scolded Hunter as he came inside the house.

"It's okay, Hunter. He hasn't forced me. I'm staying back 'coz I want to."

Hunter rolled his eyes, jealous of her favorable treatment towards his nephew. Rihanna smiled and walked away towards the kitchen. A tired Gemma looked up from her task.

"He has eaten nothing since last night. I'm at my wit's end. He has picked up a stomach bug and has been passing loose stools ever since," said Gemma.

"What had you given him last night?" asked Rihanna.

"I made oats porridge, but he hated it. This morning, I tried bananas with the porridge but he hated that too. How will he regain his strength?" asked Gemma, looking like she would lose her mind.

"What about medicines? Have you given anything?"

"I couldn't administer any on an empty stomach," said Gemma.

"I'll make an ORS first," said Rihanna. She quickly made a delicious-looking ORS and handed it to Robbie. "Drink up sweetie, it's a special juice to make you strong like superman."

Robbie looked at the liquid and took a sip. Thankfully, he liked it and drank it all, emptying the entire glass. Rihanna went back to the kitchen to see Gemma struggling. She wanted to cook for everyone and give Gemma a break.

"It's okay, Gemma. You can finish your other work. I'll handle the cooking today." Gemma looked relieved.

"Thank you, Anna. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to handle a child who has lost his parents. Hunter's growing aloof day by day. I think he's getting depressed. He needs counseling from the look of it," said Gemma, shaking her head and massaging her temples.

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