Season 2: Them's the Breaks, Kid

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[Outside the Owl House, Luz, her echo mouse, and King are trying new glyph combinations while Y/n is in the background doing sit-ups. The first one shown is of a small whirlwind, the second one is a water fountain, the third one is a petrification glyph that turns the Beefy Bob toy on top of it into stone, and Luz is then shown drawing a fourth glyph.]

Luz: [Finishes drawing the glyph.] Alright, maybe it's this one! [She activates the glyph and a monstrous claw sprouts from it. Luz, upon seeing it, screams in surprise and backs up. Y/n quickly grabs Yonaka and stabs it dead and the remnants splat across the trio. Eda bursts through the door, with her staff in hand, and is relieved.] Safe! [Both her, Y/n, and King wipe the goo off themselves. Luz grabs her notepad and a pencil.] That was.. definitely not the one. [Crosses out the glyph on her notepad and labels "NO" next to it. Eda picks up the petrified Beefy Bob and it crumbles.]

Eda: Eugh. [Shivers.] What are you doing out here?

Luz: I started going through Philip Wittebane's diary again. Since my trip with Lilith and Y/n, I found out that a lot of his margin doodles were actually unfinished glyph combos. [Sighs and looks down dejectedly.] I thought maybe they could help with the portal door but... [The claw rises again but is swallowed by Hooty.

Y/n: Sadly, no luck.

Eda: Maybe it's for the best. I don't like that you're still thinking about that creep.

Luz: [Sighs.] I know. [Curls up and pulls her hood over her head.] I just miss my mom. [King looks at Eda and points at Luz.]

Eda: [Kneels down.] Let's take a break, huh? 

Y/n: Good idea, a nice change of pace.

Luz: [No response.]

Eda: Maybe... I could tell you... a story? [Luz instantly approaches Eda's face with a look of curiousness.]

Luz: [Excitedly.] Like a backstory kind of story?

Eda: Yes. 

Y/n: [He chuckles.] This should be good.

[Luz sits excitedly with King in her arms, him holding her echo mouse, Y/n casually lying down next to them, and Hooty circles around them.

Eda: This is the story of how I met the coolest, baddest, kick-buttiest witch of all time: Raine Whispers.

[The scene flashes back to one day during Eda's younger years. On that morning, she and Lilith walk to Hexside, asking and answering questions in preparation for the Emperor's Coven tryouts (which take place in seven months) and pondering about their future.

Young Lilith: Imagine us both getting in. We'll train together.

Young Eda: We'll prank together. [Takes the flashcards and tosses them in the air; but Young Lilith summons them and they go nicely into her hand.]

Young Lilith: We'll study ancient history together. [Eda twirls her around.]

Young Eda: We'll kick [Kicks the grudgby ball upwards.] butt together!

Young Lilith: [Catches the grudgby ball.] Help demons and witches together!

Young Eda: [Dances around a post.] Take over the world together! Nothing can stop the Clawthorne sisters! Our rivals shall be crushed beneath our feet! Even the Titan shall gasp in fear!

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