Season 3: Home Sweet Home

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[We pick up when Y/n and Luz are trying to open the door of the abandoned house but to no avail. Gus is seen breaking down into tears but Hunter and Willow come to calm him down with the breathing technique. Y/n and Luz continue to stare inside the house but then turn towards the group. Amity then silently goes up to them without saying a word, looking a bit intimidating. Luz and Y/n gulp as she gets closer but gets caught off guard when she hugs them.]

Amity: [Crying.] Don't you dare try something like that! We could've lost you guys!

Luz: I...

Y/n: We're...

[Amity continues to hold them tight as she cries. The group then joins in for a group hug. Luz and Y/n then shed tears as they embrace the group hug.]

Luz and Y/n: We're sorry...

Willow: Don't go making decisions on your own!

[Luz and Y/n look sad.]

Hunter: Look... Eda and King may be in trouble but they're more formidable than they look.

Luz: [She wipes her tears.] I guess you're right...

Amity: Please, stay with us, we need you... I need you. [She kisses Luz's forehead which makes Luz blush.]

Luz: Ok... ok...

[The group then releases the hug and takes in the rain to relax.]

Y/n: [He inhales the scent of rain.] I missed this.

Gus: So this is human rain? It feels like a huge shower.

Willow: And it feels... nice and calming.

Luz: Ok [She wipes some of her tears.]we better get to my home before it rains even harder... Wait, [She realizes that she's going to confront her mom.] SHIT! I'M GOING TO FACE MY MOM! What am I going to say!?

Y/n: [He realizes he's going to also confront his parents.] Well, shit. WHY DID YOU REMIND ME!

Luz: Wait, how should this even go? "Mom, it's so good to see you again! Me, Y/n, and our friends just survived an apocalyptic battle, and I was hoping you'd help us get back to..." GAH! NO. [She takes a deep breath as she combs her hair back.] Uh... "¿Qué pasa mamá? My cool new friends popped in for a cool slumber party with blankets and plushies. Hope that's uhhhh... cool..."

Y/n: No, just no. [Luz then tries something more dramatic.] Oh great, here we go.

Luz: Mother! My comrades and I fought hard and journeyed far to make it here, and we require lodgings for an indeterminate amount of time...

Y/n: [He face palms.

Luz: Uh... Hey fellow human... skin sure is weird!


Luz: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH I SUCK AT THIS! How can this be the hardest part of my day after just fighting Belos and Odalia?!

Gus: I thought you nailed it with that last one.

Y/n: No Gus, that's not how you talk to humans, or to anyone for that matter. 

Amity: [She puts her hand on Luz's shoulder.] Don't worry about it too much Luz. The way you talk about your mom, I'm sure she'll help us out like she did with the basili- I mean, Vee.  We'll be okay.

The Witch and The Swordsman (The Owl House x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora