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Like this, 19 days have passed. We did video calls, and I was becoming more pale day by day. I don't know why. Maybe because I couldn't even sleep well, the nightmares again started to haunt me, but they were less than before, and they were about Taehyung all the time. Maybe because I was always scared of losing him, or maybe because I missed his kisses, his hugs, his flirts, and his scent on top of that, I missed him. I felt empty without him. Right now, I have received a call. I thought it was Taehyung, so without looking at the ID, I picked up the call, but I immediately regretted it as it was my hyung. He had been calling me for a couple of days, but I ignored it completely, and even Jinsa and Layba gave me a warning not to pick up his call. But I accidentally did, and I heard him begging for me to come to the family dinner they were having in a restaurant. So I said, "If my husband would give me permission, I'll come, and if not, I'll not come."

I answered coldly, and then I told Jinsa and Layba everything. They were angry but said, "As you said, ask your husband, then you can go."

So I called Taehyung, but he didn't pick up my call, so I thought maybe he was busy. I'll call him later.

After a while, it was time for our video call. I was waiting for his call, but he didn't, so I thought to call him myself. But he didn't pick up. Sometime later, I waited, but nothing happened, so I talked to Jinsa and Layba, and we decided I should go, and I'd take bodyguards even though I was uncomfortable, but I couldn't take the risk to take Jinsa and Layba.

Jinsa and Layba told me that they'd come with me, but I refused, knowing how much of a filthy man Mr. Choi can be. So I got ready, and Jinsa said that I should wear something beautiful because I was Kim Taehyung's wife and should look like one.

I wanted to refuse, but hearing her made me feel thousands of butterflies. So I agreed.

Even though I hated revealing clothes, seeing Jinsa's glare made me shut my mouth

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Even though I hated revealing clothes, seeing Jinsa's glare made me shut my mouth.

Author Pov.

Time skips the next day; after coming back to college, she got ready for the restaurant. She was nervous and scared, but she thought it would be the last time she'd meet them. She'd clarify to them that she'd never meet them again and that she no longer belongs to their family anymore.

She reached there with her bodyguards. They entered, and her family looked at her in shock. She came to them, and Yeonjun immediately launched at her, hugging her. She smiled and talked with him, and then she greeted her, Noona.

She then turned to her brother, and with a blank face, she greeted him. And she ignored Mrs. Choi completely, and everyone sat down. She sat with Yeoung-seo; she looked around and didn't find Mr. Choi; then she felt relaxed. And she thought maybe her brother left him just to be with her. But how wrong she was—it was in the middle of their dinner! When suddenly Mr. Choi came out of nowhere and sat beside her, she flinched badly, and her face became pale and a shiver ran down her spine. She was scared to death but tried to think that he probably wouldn't do anything when Hyung was there. But again, she was wrong. When she felt his hand on her thigh, she flinched, and when she tried to remove his hand, no one could notice because the table hid it. When she tried to remove his hand, Mr. Choi tightened his grip, digging his nail into her skin and making it bleed. Then she had enough, grabbed the fork, and stabbed it in his hand with all her force. The fork went through his skin, making him scream in pain, and then he let go of her thigh. Y/n stood up with all her force and punched him in the face. His nose started to bleed.

Jackson stood up, yelling.

Jackson: What the hell? Y/N!

Jackson was ready to slap Y/n. She closed her eyes. She was ready to feel the slap, but when she didn't feel anything, she opened her eyes just to see her guards diffending her. The one guard pointed his gun at Mr. Choi's head. And another one pointed his gun at Jackson's head. And one was standing next to her, opening his arms in front of her and protecting her, but at a good distance. She then spoke,

Y/n: You know what, Jackson! Now I'll call you by your name, not by Hyung. I'm not the little sister that you once had anymore. Not that little sister, the one that she spent all of her childhood with because she didn't have a father figure; you were the father figure for her, where every girl out there called their brother Oppa. I called you Hyung because I was always with you and saw you calling you your elder ones. Hyung, so I too started to call. Just like you used to call when you called the girls that were older than you, you called them Noona, so I did too.

She took a deep breath and again spoke. This time her voice became shaky, her eyes teary, and she said,

Y/n: Where did my brother go? The one who loved me! The one who used to play with me even when we got scolded—then what did it change? Why did you distance yourself? I used to miss you, even when you were near me. Why did you change so much, huh? Why? When this bastard harassed me! All the time, I went to you, but you only pushed me away when I was in need of being safe.

At last, she pointed towards Mr. Choi.

To say Jackson was shocked would be an understatement. Yes, he didn't know she hadn't told him about the harassment that Mr. Choi did.

Y/n: *chuckled bitterly* I guess you don't have any answers to my questions. I'll take my leave now, and please DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN. I NO LONGER BELONGS TO YOUR FAMILY. And last thing, if he dies the next day, just know that it was his deeds.

She was about to leave when Yeonjun stood in front of her with a handkerchief. Saying

Yeonjun: *teary eyes* Mano is hurt.
Y/n: *wiping his eyes* No, baby. Mano is fine; it's just a little wound, and you can come and meet me whenever you want, okay, baby? Just remember to come with Eomma, ok?

She said this while kissing his forehead.

Yeonjun: Otay!

He said, handed the handkerchief, kissed her cheek, and ran away to Yeoung-seo.

She gave Jackson and Yeoung-seo one last look before walking away.

To be continued…

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