Chapter 6: This is Some Inter-Dimensional BULLSHIT

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It had been a few days since Danny's second run in with the billionaire, and things were running rather smoothly.

The teen was chilling in central park, strumming away at an acoustic guitar he had bought just a few hours ago. The pure black instrument fit perfectly in Halfa's arms as he plucked a random tune that filled his head.

The teen briefly wondered what Ember would think if she knew that he knew how to play guitar as well. He had learned when he was a kid, and it was something he often did when he was feeling down or off. He never did it outside the comfort of his own home, though, so no one aside from his two friends and family knew. 

Not even Dani knew, not because he didn't want her to know, more so that it just never came up.

While the young hero was distracted thinking of his clone and ghostly buddies, a young boy walked up to him. The child tapped the young man on his elbow, pulling him from his thoughts. Danny gazed questioningly at the brown haired boy.

“Where is your hat,” the boy asked with a tilt of his head.

“My what,” Danny muttered confused. His blue eyes caught a couple of women a few feet back, watching the teen and child with small smiles.

“Your hat for money. You're a performer, right,” The child asked self consciously.

It was then that Danny saw a couple of dollar bills in the boy's hand. He thought for a moment. He didn't exactly need the money, but he had been contemplating getting a job under the table. He didn't want to use up too much of the insurance money so that he could use it when he got back home. Perhaps being a street performer would be a good idea since he didn't need to worry about falsifying documents or getting an employer in trouble for paying a minor under the table. It would give him some pocket change to use instead of pulling from his stash for things like food and toiletries. He would still need to use his stash for bigger things like his gym membership, which is where he kept up his strength training and took his daily showers.

Finally the teen gave the boy a small smile.

“Oh, I totally forgot I needed one of those,” he laughed,” this is my first day.”

The little boy giggled.

“It's ok, you can use the case! I saw a guy in Times Square use his case to hold money instead of a little hat.”

Danny nodded as he moved the open case in front of him,” That's a good idea, you must be a genius.”

The boy giggled again as he dropped the bills in the case.

“So, since you're a paying customer now, do you have any requests,” Danny asked the boy.

The kid frowned in thought before he smiled and nodded.

“Do you know Spanish,” he asked.

Danny nodded,” I do,”

“Can you play Solo Por Ti? It’s mi mama's favorite song.”

“Yeah, I can do that one. Is that your mom over there? Why don't you bring her over,” Danny smiled at the boy, gesturing to the pair of women who were now looking on curiously.

The little boy smiled wide as he ran off to pull his mother over, the other woman following closely behind.

“¡Date prisa, date prisa mamá! ¡Él va a tocar una canción para nosotros (Hurry, hurry mom! He is going to play us a song!),” The boy cried as he pulled on his mother 's arm excitedly.

“Ya voy querida, espera (I'm coming my dear, hold on),” the woman laughed as she gave the child an exasperated look.

Once the small group was standing in front of Danny, he began to strum his guitar.

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