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I sighed and was genuinely about to start tweaking out at the sound of Summer crying as I tried to sketch a dress

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I sighed and was genuinely about to start tweaking out at the sound of Summer crying as I tried to sketch a dress

All she do is cry and eat...

"MACEON! Get her!" I screamed

"Bro, I'm in the shower!" He yelled and I couldn't even hear the water over his baby's cries

I started to bang my head against my work table for a good thirty seconds before getting up and going into Summer's nursery and picking her up

"Hush, little baby don't you cry." I sung and she started to cry more


Why I resorted to singing that? I don't know because I've never sung that

In the next three minutes of me trying to soothe her, I heard the shower cut off and damn near ran to the bathroom

"Here." I handed him her, as soon as he was stepping out the shower

"Onyx, I'm naked as hell." He said, but I just walked out and went back into my work room

She stopped crying and I was able to keep working. After ten minutes, I felt Maceon's presence

"You cool?" He asked, starting to massage my shoulders

"I just... it's like I'm catching on some much work from me going on taking a break and then me being pregnant and me going to the hospital. I hate being behind, it's so much work on top of being a mommy." I stressed, putting my head in my hands

He sat on the table, moving my hands. I looked at him as he busted open a bag of Flaming Hot Lays

"Maceon, that's all you do is eat. You never catch a fucking breath because your mouth always open to fill it up with food." I said, getting pissed off because I hadn't ate all day

"Aight, bro. You obviously hungry." He sucked his teeth, hopping off the table

I didn't reply back, he walked out and closed the door. I was able to finish the sketching and start on the final draft without Summer crying

More than likely, she was sleep since we had a schedule that we never went out of, which made things easier

As I was about to fall asleep, the door flung open and I sighed

"Summer, is that you?"

"Pregnancy took one of yo' brain cells?" Maceon asked, trying to be funny as I smelled food

I brought my head up and he had a bowl of Alfredo pasta with a fork in it and two bread rolls

"Here." He placed the food in front of me

I didn't even say anything, I just began to eat like there was no tomorrow

"Slow down." He nudged me in the arm and I rolled my eyes

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